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Tale of a two skin- The Last Alpha

Chapter 5 The Mysterious Wolves

Word Count: 1271    |    Released on: 26/07/2024

ity's influence, snarled and snapped at Arcturus. But the ancient wolf merely gazed at him with sorrowful eyes, and spoke in a voice that echoed in Kaito's mind. "Remember who you are, young on

onsume everything in its path. Vora pack stood ready, their hearts ablaze with determination. But as they faced the darkness, they knew that their greatest challenges lay ahead . For in the heart of the darkness, a figure emerged, one who would change the course of their destiny forever . The figure, shrouded in shadows, stepped forward, revealing a wolf unlike any they ever seen . Her fur was as black as coal , her eyes glowing with an ethereal green light. " I am Lio ," she said , her voice like a melody." And i am the key to unlocking of the ancient ones." Vora's pack exchanged a wary glance . What did Lio mean? And what secrets could she possibly hold? Lio began to weave a tale of an ancient civilization, one that has harnessed the power of the forest to build a utopian society. But as their powers grew, so did their ambitions, and they delved into the dark arts that ultimately led to their downfall. "The entity' you faced was once a guardian of this civilization," Lio explained. "But it was corrupted by the very power it sought to control. And now, it seeks to reclaim the power of the ancient ones for itself." Vora's pack listened, entranced , as Lio revealed that she was the last living heir of this ancient civilizations. And with her help, they could unlock the secrets of the ancient ones and defeat the entity once and for all . But as they pondered Lio's words, a creeping se

eels like the heart of the forest itself." Lio smiled, her eyes shining with excitement. "You have been chosen to fulfill an important role in the ancient ones' plan. Together, we will unlock the secrets of the forest and defeat the entity once and for all." With Kael and Jax back by their side, Vora's pack felt a surge of hope and determination. They knew the journey ahead would be fraught with danger, but together, they were ready to face whatever lay ahead Lio lead them deeper into the chamber , where ancient artifacts and mysterious devices layer scattered. She began to explain the ancient ones' technology, how it harnessed the forest's energy to maintain balance and harmony. As they explored kael stumbled upon a strange console, emitting a faint hum. Jax , ever curious, began to sniff around trying to understand its purpose. "Wait!

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