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The Sun Princess

Chapter 9 Nine

Word Count: 2282    |    Released on: 26/07/2024

t of her room and heads over to the garden to have breakfast with her family members. She's spent a day in this large palace and she knows not to get lost

there was ever an invasion, but why would she want to escape when she could just fight? She asked Alex, but she didn't know where that courage came from. She knows for a f

she masters

ing then walks away. Her flat shoes stepping on the green grass. She might be wearing something to protect her legs but she ca

g breakfast at the dining table. E

throwing themselves on her and greeting her good morning, but they're no

. They're dressed in a yellow shirt, a blue and gold tie, cream-coloured shorts and black shoes with long polka dot

dog behind them. "And wh

Silver," Benjamin says enthusiastically as if intr

iever barks, sa

s toward the golden retriever

he table, Silver follows. Elena walks toward her family members. There's a large breakfast set on the long table. There's pie, oa

Duke who doesn't even look up at her, he's stuck looking at an enchanted newspaper where the cover talks ab

too busy in his world. They're both so different she wonders how they got married to each other in the first place. Maybe her Aunt Imogene likes

tore for her stomach. The strawberry cake she ate yesterday took her to heaven, and lucky for her she spots strawberry cakes on the other side o

ght?" her uncle who's sipping from his mug which has t

ever experienced be

e the greeting part


y can be quite overwhelming even if you're a social butterfly." Elena smiles

her beaming at the sweets. If she did, it means she has not been keeping her composure or at least she has been but she wasn't compo

at not?" Aunt Imogene asks her b

, I

in that school. You're going to have to keep

r settle in before she has to worry

hout looking up and her Aunt Imogen smiles at her husband. Now

nd uncle are acting like she can't take care of herself. She has met vultures back on earth. S

ut getting slapped on the face by some fairy who doesn't like her for being her. She's no

of bullying her. She's going to roast them with her firepower. That's if she doesn't

lse. If one can be thrown into prison and left there forever for selling

r killing royal blood. It's been hard looking for that individual beca

fight tears. It was probably the hardest thing to let his niece go. Memories of him seeing his brother and sister-in-law lying dead

d forgotten about Aunt Imogene's warning or her pa

he can't. she begins to moan, enjo

her eyes to see her family staring at her. Even the Duke is starring. "

and she swears that the

"Don't worry it happ

her cake. Composure be d

driver takes the kids to school. It's just her a

om for Henry, he's a ballet dancer and Alex described him as nice and has a beautiful smile. Elena can't wait to meet him.

the indoor an

it wasn't funny at the time but it is funny now." Elena nods in understa

Aunt Imogene and her dad when they were you

e would think a star fairy would be king." Elena shoots him a confusing look. Does her uncle think so lowly of himself? He shouldn't, heari

's not into fiction, she's more attracted to magazines.

magazine that catches her eye. Antoine DuBois

lena asks her uncle s

dress, the one you wore at the ball last night.

she thinks that the dress is magnifiqu

evil and dangerous and they're always being slain by some Fae hero but back at home the stories are retold and recy

n holding what seems to be photo albums. Elena walks toward him

it and sees they're wedd

rs and her uncle looks

ig celebration." Uncle Conrad explains and Elena continues

they were right. Looking at her mother is like looking at a clone of he

crying until her Uncle w

you're home now." He say

actually not someone - b


t catches her attention the most is the golden star that's next to her profile pic. What co


a meeting la

t pictures anyway." The king smiles at his niece and rises to h

awberry cakes and maybe after you're done

ne. It will be better if she meets her parents face to face but she can'

forms on Conrad's head he nods hi

ntinues to flip through photo albums and look at pictures o

her mom holding her as a ba

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