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Haste and Waste; Or, the Young Pilot of Lake Champlain. A Story for Young People


Word Count: 2138    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

sand dollars belonged to his bank, and, having an opportunity to put this sum in circulation, where it would be "kept out" for several weeks

nk director was satisfied that the pocketbook was safe in his possession when he entered the bateau, he was willing to return, since the object of his journey had been defeated, and Lawry pulled

who had lost six thousand dollars might reasonably be. After the search on shore was completed, he walked of

had been watching the movements of Mr. Randall and h

st his money-six thou


ford, recalling the conversat

board, and the pock

," added she, with

and got the coat, bu

Lawry was perplexed at the disappearance of the money. Mr. Randall had proved that a pocketbook with nothing but paper in it would not sink within a reasonable time. If the

and carefully scrutinized every foot of ground between the house and the landing-place, but with no better success

became of that pock

e stepped i

believe he lost any p


did, and I s

any six thousand dollars in it. If there had b

six thousand dollar

n his coat, with all that money in the pocket, on the drop. In my o

t seem p

ay depend upon it. That'

and carefully searched every part of it. His father watched him with considera

and see Mr. Sherwood n

up, and he wa

er go aga

Port Henry after

got a

at I kn

at Port Henry,"

s going to pilo

the rocks, then. He do

't you row up the lake

so, but I can't keep th

rself about that?" demand

y anxious that it should be found. I'm

that I hadn't got it-didn't he?" ad

ed of such a thing, and for that

lost any money. He's going to cheat the bank

he would do such

and that's the end of it-if he lost it at all. You have looked all over the ferry-boat, and it isn't there. If it had been fl

ng prett

etty soon, you will be too late to do any good on board the steamer," s

e for the leakage between the inner and the outer planking. Near the mast there was a well, from which, with a grain-shovel, the water was thrown out. Lawry examined this hole, feeling under the planks,

etbook w

istance from the side, the pocketbook was thrust in. It could not be seen from the i

, who had evidently taken it from the pocket of the coat, and concealed it, either before or after the garment had fallen into the water. He was appalled and horrifie

John Wilford had probably taken it from the coat pocket, and after thrusting it into the aperture beneath the drop, had let the

and did not know what to do. He stood, with flushed face and beating heart, on the shore, considering what course he should ta

d return it to him, telling him that he had found it under the drop of the boat. He was about

et?" said M

oubled me so much that I co

our head about that any longer

bles me

t be found, and tha

can be

you find

found it


under the platfor

n so!" exclaim

e barn, father; the pocket-bo

t? What do you

op, a foot above the water. It did not

to control his feelin

out, Lawry? Do you thin

id, father,"

g?" demanded Mr. Wilford, wi

of anything, fathe

o say that


to poke round after what did not concern you?

not keep i

d it, I suppose there is time enoug

awry; and before his father could prevent him, he

to do with it?" de

Randall, and give it


e use of d

's the righ

the way to

he way to k

t to me

going to do wi

my bus

e it back to

ou want to get me into trou

o Mr. Randall, there

long enough. I'm going to do as ot

is money?" exc

re about it; I put the m

ow yo

it t

ther, if you me

ink I have run all this risk for

thing as keeping it,

rich," replied th

about making haste to be

if you don't give

ed till he gets his money, and y

I'll go to New York and change

ill be a thief. You never will have

ere comes your steamer. She hasn't got any pilot on board; I know by the way she s

le, as she appeared rounding

ndall, I will give you the pock

u are right, Lawr

age," added Lawry, as he ha

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