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Haste and Waste; Or, the Young Pilot of Lake Champlain. A Story for Young People

Chapter 10 HARD AT WORK

Word Count: 2116    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

rds abaft the wheel, had actually produced an effect upon the steamer. The smokestack stood up more perpendicularly, indicating that the stern had be

next to the stern unsupported, under which the ropes had been easily drawn to retain the casks in their places. Of course it was impossible to draw any lines u

it," sai

t is

more casks und

ne end up, and leave t

gsheads under the stern, they will raise it so we ca

u are right, Lawr

re, who had come down to ascertain what progress had been made in the work. Ben W

much; that's all th

ould succeed in their


oing anything. I know something about steamboats

ure they will fail?"

them what the trouble would be; but they know so much

can speak for themselv

u get alon


inks you are going to ma

but we don't believe


l out your interest in the Woodville a

, s

be able to raise the steamer. If that is likely to be the case, I don't want you to waste your t

You are very kind

wn to Port Henry to-night, an

e shall su

wry?" interposed Ben. "You'll

had better give it



Hadn't you better let me em

can do it ver

n working order as soon as possible, and we may has

raise the Woodville. We don't want any help. If we don't get her up by to-morr

, Lawry. I haven't half paid th

hat, sir! I only

t, my boy, and I hope

, as he turn

raise her. He will do it at his own expen


ol, Lawry!" e

am. Time

raising her, and you

he steamer as she lies; and I

ry. That's the only way to

on their way to the Goblins. At breakfast-time two casks had been sunk under the bow of the steamer, for

of the work. At the earnest request of Lawry, seconded by Mrs. Wilford, Ben consented to run the ferry that day, and the young engineers took their din

a little in the water; the stern had risen about two feet; and it was evident that she was

k is nearly don

rrels will finish it," answered the youn

d about forty fathoms of small

I think we had be

a good

f the sunken vessel. When the chains, which were bent onto the anchors, were hauled taut, the sinker rope, still in the block, and wound

ted Lawry, as they beg


ys glowed with excited joy, as the sunken vessel f

ose till her plank-sheer was even with the surface of the water. The boys shouted for joy; they were almost be

s done!" c

is your brother no

than I expected. I move y

eel much l


to be d

e water. We can easily get some more casks und

ith them. They could not keep their eyes off the steamer during the meal, an

the water, while the deck at the after part was again submerged. This was Lawry's plan for ascertaining the extent of the injury which the hull had received. It now appeared that,

" said Lawry; "and we may as

here's a painted floor-cloth in the kitche

y small nail

ty of

ent the floor-cloth from being forced in by the pressure of the water. Both of the boys then went to work nailing on the carpet, which was new and very heavy. The nails were put very close together, and most o

trying operation of pumping her out. It was now six o'clock, and it was plain that this job could not be finished that night. The wind was beginning to freshen, and there were indications of bad Weather. Lawry had at first intended to move the Woodville up to t

and with the assistance of the capstan on the forward deck heaved her out into a secure position. The Woodville was safe for the nig

ne it!" exclaimed Mrs. Wilfor

ng engineers, and her heart had bounded with emotions of joy, in uniso

it, mother," replied

away just after dinner, and I haven

oat go over in the mid

ow yo

went over

ered Mrs. Wil

, mo

and I couldn't bear to take you away from your work. I've been

ould take care

as he promises," sai

ut after supper, he found the wind was still quite fresh, and he was afraid that some accident might happen to the steamer in the night. If the casks got loose, she w

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