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Chapter 2 Shadows Of Deception

Word Count: 1386    |    Released on: 02/08/2024




ibrary, lost among dusty bookshelves that appeared to contain all of the world's knowledge. Yеt, I felt trapped, with each day bringing a reminder of the pact that connected me to Gabriel. My sole consolation was the garden.

e I had been pushed into. Suddenly, I heard footsteps crunching on the gravel walk. I turned to see Gabriel approaching. His presence was like a dark cloud, large and scary. "Sofia," he called out, his voice qui

eed to adapt rapidly. "Things are about to become more complicated." Fear clawed at my insides, but I refused to let it show. "What do you mеan?" Gabriеl leaned in, his face inches from me. "Your father's debts hav

with my fear. "Do you trust me? How can I trust you when you are the one who holds my father's life over my head?" Gabriеl's experience hardened, and a flicker of darkness passed through his eye

d walked away, leaving me trembling in the fading light. I slid back onto the bench, my thoughts whirling. W

face hidden behind a hat brim. He was there to remind me of my situation, to ensure that I did not forget who controlled my fate.


debt became an issue. I sat behind my large oak desk, looking over the documents scattered across its surface. They detailed the Valenti family's dealings and the debts they owed me. It was more than simply

me, his eyes sweeping the room. "Sofia. You are playing a dangerous game with her. Other families are beginning to take notice. I leaned back in my chair, squeezing my fingers. "Let them know. Sofia is th

hings. Marcus frowned. "I hope you understand what you are doing, Gabriеl. "This could backfire." "I know," I replied, my tone stern. "But I am willing to take the chance. Sofia's i

onsibilities, the burden of the power I wielded. I returned to my private quarters, which were filled with old books, maps, and artefacts from my various travels. On a shelf, there was a smal

se, a place that few people outside of my inner circle frequent. It was a cold, gloomy space filled with the secrets of my operations. At the far end, I noticed a bunch of men, battered and tied up, th

r maybe even intending to hurt someone." I approached Dario, who was struggling to meet my gaze. "Who sеnt you?" I demanded, my tone harsh. He

was determined to keep her safe and under my control, no matter how costly. I returned to my study and reflected on the events of the night. The opposing families were closing in, and Sofia's role in my plans was

ing a dangerous game that may cost me everything if I didn't take precautions. But one thing was certain: S

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