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Beyond the Glitters

Chapter 6 Testing the Waters

Word Count: 1417    |    Released on: 04/08/2024


was exhausted, but seeing Emily waiting for me at the airport made it all worth it.

at ease. The bookstore was thriving, and she had made connections within the community that were strengthening her

ecided to ask her about it. "Emily, you seem different

I guess I've just been focusing on the bookstore and trying to make

eyebrow. "Cl

e bookstore while you were in London, and we had

my life, but I hadn't expected her to become friends with Emily. It wa

ely. "Claire is a good person. She can

she's been helping me navigate some

my concern growing. "Wh

een about dealing with your mother. She's been coming t

ing, but I hadn't realized she was causing proble

quickly. "I can handle it.

r hand. "You don't have to handle it a

nd I appreciate it. But I also want to pr

nd determination. "You'r

ly. "You're not


to address the issues head-on and show them that Emily and I were serious about our

xiety. "Everything will be fine," I assured her. "Just

a deep breath. "O

c self, while my mother, Elizabeth, was impeccably dressed and composed

re, the London trip, and various other topics. But as the meal progresse

sual, "how do you see your future with Alex? Ha

Mrs. Carter, I see us continuing to support each other and grow together. We have

bout your own ambitions? Do you plan to

passion, and I intend to make it a success. I believe

t your determination. But you must understand that Alex's career demands a

ter. And I'm prepared to make those sacrifices. I love A

e sighed. "Very well. We can see that you're serious about this. Just reme

ezing Emily's hand. "An


e couch, processing the evening's events. "That went

sense of relief. "It did. I'm proud o

, closing her eyes. "I

gth and resilience. We had faced the first major test of our


ationship, and Emily continued to build her business with confidence. Claire's support had

e buzzed with a message from Mark, my assistant.

mily asked, notic

age. "There's a problem with the merger we've bee

odded. "I understa

sing her softly. "I hat

d. "But we'll get thro

something about this merger that felt different, more urgent. But I knew I had


d I found myself working long hours, barely getting any sleep. I missed Emily terribly,

y, I received a call from Claire. "Hey, Alex.

mitted. "This merg

let you know that Emily's doing great. The bookstore is

w," I said, feeling a surg

really strong. But she misses you,

aid softly. "I'll be

eeded to get through this merger and get back to Emily. She wa


store. Emily was in the middle of helping a customer, and when

d, running over to h

ng her tightly. "And

she murmured, tear

challenges we faced, we would always find our way back to each other. Our

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