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Manuel Pereira; Or, The Sovereign Rule of South Carolina


Word Count: 3639    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

t-house, on the corner of Broad and Meeting streets. A large table stood in the centre of the room, covered with sundry old pa

play the immense importance of the office, a "cocked" hat with the judicial sword hung conspicuously above the old sofa. A door opened upon the left hand, leading into the clerk's office, where the books and archives

ggard-looking man we have before described. His dark, craven features, as he sat peering through his glasses at the morning ne

soul, these fellows can't escape you! Where did you pic

I didn't know but the fellow was going to preach a sermon. The Captain-he belongs to a wrecked Englishman-wanted to come the g

up before his accusers, upon this

fate? Am I to be sold as a slave, because of the visitation of God? I have done no

" said Dunn, pointing his finger at his nose. "You

everal times; the public are getting wind of them; they'll bring this office into disrepute yet. You ought to know wh

honor's bisniss, and not yours at all, at all," said Dunn, addre

s and their duty; attend to your business, and get, you

ase, and we'll make you so comfortable that you won't think of being imprisoned. You must understand that it is 'contrary to law' to come among our niggers in this way; it gives them fanciful ideas. There's such an infernal imperfect state of things as these abolitionists are getting every thing into, behooves us to watch the communications which are going on between, designing people and our slaves. We are a hospitable people-the world knows that-and

hands," said Manuel; "that confines me in a dungeon lest I should

ness and fatigue, he turned around as if to look for something to res

ad, flung it upon the floor. "You should learn manners, my good fellow," said Grimshaw, "when you come into a sheriff's office. It's a place o

door and looked upon Manuel with an air of pity. The words of sympathy touched his feelings deeply; it was a simple word in his favour, so different

ms like a 'likely fellow,' and knows, if he cuts up any nigger rascality in Charleston, he'll be snapped up. Now, my good fellow, put on

dignity of South Carolina law, which has so many strange devices to show its importance:-"Contrary to Law." Violation of the Act of 1821, as

feet 8 1

light oliv

sharp an

and straight; the for

rth; speaks rather broken, but politely; is intelli

To Recog. $1.31-Constable. $1 - $2.


be added wh

atify the feelings of that miserable miscreant, Dunn. Scarcely had he left the sheriff's office, or passed two squares from the court-house, before he entered another Dutch grog-shop, a little more respectable in appearance-but not in character. They entered by a side door, which led into a back apartment provided with a table and two w

e Dutchmen are worse than the divil! It's meself'll make ye put a five for

g? Misser Dunz' te best fellow v

inks presently; meself and me friend here'll drink yer health," said Dunn, pointing to Manuel, who shook his head as much as to de

old stuff. Come, me old chuck, (turning to Manuel and pulling him by the Whiskers,) cheer up, another good stiff'ner will put you on your taps

at hand. "Excuse me!" said Manuel, "I've drunk enough already, and should like to lie down. I am unwell, and feel the e

of gintlemen in Charleston, me buck!" and seizing him by the collar, dragged him to the table, then grasping the tumbler with the other hand,

fun, and the spice of Mr. Dunn's wit, as he called it. "Vat zu make him vat'e no vants

r nearly half full of brandy and water; and stepping behind the division door, passed it slily to the mulatto, who equally as slily passed it down his throat; and putting a piece of m

t fourpence; you done' dat befor'

ounter and commenced belaboring the negro over the head in a most unmerciful manner. At this, the mulatto retreat

and not use such language to a white man, that it was "c

care for true, and God saw me, I be whip at the wukhouse next minute. He tief, an' lie, an 'e cheat me." The Dutchman stood at the door with the big stick in his hand-the negro in the middle of the lane with his fists in a

ers, that they become courteous to the negro and submit to an equality of sociability. The negro, taking advantage of this familiarity, will use the most insulting and abusive language to this class of Dutchmen, who, either through cowardice, or fear of losing

from his master. But how is this regarded? Why, the shopkeeper foregoes the ticket, encourages the warehouse negro to steal, and purchases his stealings indiscriminately, at about one-half their value. We might enumerate fifty different modes pra

smash, saying, "Come, me good fellow, we must do the thing up brown, now; we've got the Dutchman nailed on his own hook. We must have another horn; it's just the stuff in our clim

ors, and will drink n

o mistake. You must drink another, my old chuck-we'll bring the pious

counter, took one in each hand, and going directly to Manuel, "There, take it, an

, than Dunn threw the whole contents in his face. Enraged at such outrageous conduct, the p

n while Dunn beat him with his stick. His cries of "Murder" and "Help" resounded throughout the neighbourhood, and notwithstanding they attempted to gag him, brought several persons to the spot. Among them was a well-known master builder, in Charleston-a very muscular and a very h

hand that double-dyed his red face, and brought a stream of claret from his nose; while the miserable nigger, who had been struggling to hold Manuel down, let go his hold, and ran as if his life was in danger. The scene was disgusting in the extreme. Manuel arose, with his face cut in several places, hi

law! A villain upon the highway-a disgrace to your color, and a stain upon those who retain you in office. A man who has violated the peace and every principle of honest duty, a man who every day merits the worst criminal punishment, kept in the favor of th

y singular laws. It has an exceedingly accommodating effect among bankrupt husbands, and acts as a masked battery for innumerable sins in a business or official line. It so happens, once in a while, that one of the "fair free dealers" gets into limbo through the force of some ruthless creditor; and the

friend, an' he knowz vot me ams. Yuz sees zel no

r assault and battery! Sure magistrate Gyles is a first-rate friend of me own, and he'd not suffer me imp

re, vat he no go to zale!" re

the city in your hands." Manuel was trembling under the emotions of grief and revenge. His Portuguese blood would have revenged itself at the poniard's poin

is story, than he was interrupted by Dunn asserting his right, according to the laws of South Carolina, to make his declaration, which could not be refuted by the negro's statement, or eve

isoners from place to place before you get there. You inflict a worse punishment in taking poor, helpless people to

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