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Love Prevails

Chapter 6 The Confrontation

Word Count: 1079    |    Released on: 05/08/2024

l to Steven. She woke him up and handed him the phone. "It's the same people that have been calling all night," she informed him icily. "Huh!" he responded in a daze, still trying to w

of what had happened or h

k the previous afternoon. "Why didn't you fetch me from work yesterday, and where wer

ch of anything." "So you don't remember telling me that you were on the way to fetch me!" she raised her voice. "Quite honestly, no I don't," he said with a guilty look in his eyes. "And those girls that were phoning you?" she questioned, not happy with his explanati

aid, "Hi, how are you doing?" the voice on the other end was a friendly, female voice, "I'm good, what are you up to today?" she asked. "Nothing much," he responded, "just out with the family today." "That's nice, well enjoy!" she said. They both said good

s Camilla leaned over to him, she noticed that he was chatting to a female. The context of the conversation was not very savory, to say the least. She

pletion. She walked over to Steven and asked, upset, "Steven, who is this, and please don't lie to me!" she lashed

, she asked me to give it to Matthew. She met him the other day when he was with me

r in the firm. Matthew was tall with dark brown hair, a neatly sh

erself?" "Everything is just way too coincidental." She thought. "She didn't know his number," Steven answered, but Camilla

ck to the dining room where Steven was watching TV and, with a raised voice, said to him, "This is it, why do you insist on lying to me!" Quizzically looking at Camilla, he responded, "what do you mean?" "That wom

s head as he conjured up another lie to cover all the uncovered lies. There was no way out, there was no lie he could conjure up to cover all the other lies. He had to face the cold h

his was the case for a while now, but the hard reality of her husb

"you are nothing but trash, get out of my sight!" Disgusted by his behavior and his lack of respect for their martial vows, she bur

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