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The Alpha's Muse

Chapter 3 A day in the life of an alpha werewolf

Word Count: 2296    |    Released on: 15/08/2024

Silver Moon pack's meeting locale. A dark silhouette of castle gray on slate sky, Rafe Blackwood stood

g an end to any remaining undertone of conversation. Tonight we gather to be

t through the assemblage. Rafe

ee fresh faces ++ He looked at the happy parents with a proud look and sighed. However, we must not be c

off a low growl through the assembly.

be intimidated." Pack strong, unity unbreakable.

eir defenses. His beta was at a-type guard, her ice-blue eyes sharp and watchful. She looked at him and for his

wing her head in reverence. The border patrols reported more, increased Shadow Fang activity along our

enched. "Reco

rails to screw with their scouts. And. "." she drawled, a vicious smile spreading on her face before c

hen nodded. "Make it happen," he said. "Except for a really direct involvement if absolutely nec

all due respect, Alpha,' he said (his voice shook slightly), 'shouldn't we move forwards more forcibly

head, so as to expose its neck to the victor. Rafe Told to take a deep br

l necessarily result in more blood being spilled on both sides. We will protect our domain

d. He then made a note to talk with him later, mentally. Unity

the moonlight, his silver hair sparkled and bracelets of feathers and beads clinked softly on his wrist. Rafe struggled to keep his fa

ng into Rafe's. "Allow me one blessing ritual before we draw concl

he sensed the pack's excitement for this ceremony. Now and then, he thought bitterly to himsel

dded. "

bs and bits of bone as she went along, Rafe observed from afar with equal parts caution and reverence. The power of these rituals to bind the pack and both to gi

k. Now go, hearts full with pride and spirits ar

to her delight, he felt the full power of his pack at that moment; As loyal as they always have b

e gestured to his senior pack members. He spoke it

the sturdy cabin that belonged to their Alpha, made entirely of logs and rarely furnished because wolves tended no

e said, "

from one of the shelves. She laid them on the table and Rafe

ostly lines of causation. They're testing our barricades, searching for vulnerabilities. But it is not that simple.

e senior warriors, Marcus. "Then let's give

lly wants. We protect, we fortify but never go out

on, arranging to strengthen their borders as well establish sever

o call the River Valley pack. They are men who maybe have faced their s

us growled, 'We can't trust them. As soon

Wait to get locked in from all directions? The

the voices of pack members raising in defense. Rafe's patience was beginning to wear. H

e Stimme war fiel leiser hinunter bedrohlich. We are not petty kids figh

eight, but Marcus isn't wrong. I will deliberate all possibilities;

leadership-bearing boulders settled back on him heavily. "We'll reco

spoke quietly, " you are doing too much. When was the last tim

t stop until our pack is safe. As

nk better of it. She gave a respectful nod on her way by and left Rafe

cleared him some. He accessed their place of his territory and smelled it very close to the eastern border. Change sl

re you going? The kids jum

stammered. "We were

ing. Could it have fled in th

on sigh and ran his fingers through pitch black hair. That is restricted territory, you

to interject before Rafe gave him such an inten

ing into the great unknown, pushing yourself to your physical limits. We're looking for ou

extra patrols and you too at dawn. Well, and if I catch any of you

Tsura. Rafe smiled a bit as they scurried back to the safety of pack lan

alf wondered if the old tales of curses and forbidden sorcery weren't more than just a stories as well. He shook his head and the thought

n this part of their lands. The sound of the rapidly cascading waters always had a way to calm his mind, troubled or n

ut, trying to catch her att

some sad, half-smile. "Hey, big

beside her. They sat together in silence for a

ing about daddy. When he used to brin

r, killed five years ago by a rival alpha challenging the pack. Whet

Rafe in the shoulder by way of answer. The way

worry that he and our people won't be well-re

ove and stubbornness together. You are in an impossible situation and doing the bes

lowered his guard easily.) Some days, Nora¦ I swear it feels like i'm fu

ers "That's why you have us. Your family, your p

e offered. They sat that way in silence for many minutes, siblin

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