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Unfuck Yourself

Chapter 6 Becoming whole

Word Count: 820    |    Released on: 17/08/2024

ing W

tence, and while there were still moments of doubt, they no longer consumed him. He had come to understand that healing wasn'


n't waiting for Dave-he was just there to reflect. The café felt different now. It was no longer a place of escape, a

ions and praise that had once felt so out of reach were now within his grasp. He wasn't overburdening himself with expectations

were possible. Their love was strong, but it wasn't just based on the good times; it was built on their ability to work through the hard


Laura rested her head on his shoulder. "You've

armth. "I feel like I'm finally

love. "No, you always were that perso

simply uncovered the parts of himself that had been buried under fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. The s



tebook. The old one, filled with lists of tasks and goals, had served it

age and wrote at the top:

en hover over the paper


ple who

ons I've

till here, still gro

thinking that he needed to fix everything in his life before he could be at peace. But now, he understood that peace wasn't about fixin

didn't feel like he was running from himself. He was moving forward


of blue. As they walked, hand in hand, Max felt a sense of calm that he hadn't known in years. He had let go of the

out at the horizon. The future was still

s next," Max said quietly, m

is hand and sm

de, into a future that they would create together


gh the doubts, through the uncertainty. He had learned how to unfuck himself, not by fixing every problem, but by learning ho

, that was mor



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