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The Alpha's Prophecy

Chapter 4 Secrets of the Ancients

Word Count: 1459    |    Released on: 21/08/2024

. Alaric led the way, his senses attuned to every sound, every shift in the air. Elara followed closely behind, her presence a

but something older, something more. They were the keepers of ancient knowledge, the last remnants of a time when magic flowed freely through the world. Alaric had heard stories a

Moon. The air was thick with the scent of earth and moss, and a deep, resonant hum seemed to vibrate through the

aring with a mix of reverence and caution. "This

nes that glowed faintly in the moonlight. The runes were of a language long forgotten by most, but Alaric co

e?" Alaric asked, his voi

ients are not like us they see the world differently, and their motives are their own. We mu

they had come too far to turn back now. The secrets of the prophecy wer

the air around them seemed to shift, growing colder and heavier. The hum in the ground grew louder, vibratin

hand hovering just above

. The mist coalesced into three distinct forms, each one taking shape into figures that were both human and something more. Their eyes glow

e Forgotten Grove?" the first figure

f the Ancients. "I am Alaric, Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack. I seek th

is known to us, Alaric of the Silver Moon. It is a thread woven into the tapestry of time, bind

had anticipated this-nothing from the Ancients was ever given

ce firm. "We will ensure that the knowledge you give us is

let out a low, almost mocking laugh. "Loyalty? Protection? Such

ht desire. They were beyond material possessions, beyond powe

a bond that ties us to you. A pact that ensures we will fulfill t

figure spoke again, its tone thoughtful. "A bond... such an offer has not been made in many lifetimes. But a bond is

tate. "Yes," he sa

lara. "Very well," the first figure said. "We will grant you the knowledge you seek, but t

it would come to this, but he hadn't expected it so soon. "What kind

sacrifice of blood, of trust, and of destiny. One must give, a

ut resolute. "We have no choice, Alaric. If we w

ight. But the idea of sacrificing anything especially something as vital as tru

id, his voice steady. "

swirl once more. "Then it shall be done," they intoned

Alaric could feel the pull of the Ancients' power, a force that tugged at the very core of his bei

g pulled from him. He gritted his teeth, refusing to cry out, even as the pain intensified.

ric opened his eyes to find himself back in the clearing, the An

ophecy, to us, and to each other. The knowledge you seek is yours-but be warned, the path ahead is fraught with d

nd settle over him like a cloak. "Thank you

"Use the knowledge wisely, Alaric of the Silver Moon," they sai

Elara alone in the clearing, the runes on th

relieved and troubled. "We did it," she sa

d. The bond they had forged with the Ancients was powerful, but it was also a bur

Alaric said finally, his voice

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