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Chasing Ghosts

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1278    |    Released on: 21/08/2024

in when arm embraced her. She relaxed when she scented her mate. Tala laughed and half closed her eye

rking but was to distracted by his scent, so she packed a few things she had not meant

ind it. It was full of love, passion, missing him, wanting and needing him. She knew he had been with Rubina, but he could never get her pregnant like he could Tala. A alpha could only mate with his mate till they die

hole pack would have to be their. It was a big thing a Bonding Ceremony, especially for one of the Alpha of the pack. In normal circumstances there would be

he moon plays an important part in the ceremony and after. The ceremony would take place on the day of the full moon, as a way to honor the moon and the Goddess, Luna, whose said to have given the first werewolf that power to shift in the beginning, and to bring good tidings for the Bonded Pair. Then, that night, when the rest of the pack would be out running beneath Luna's watchful gaze, the Bonded would be doing a different sort of running

l she fell asleep with her thumb in her mouth. Tala slipped away from her daughter gently and covered her in a blanket. Tala felt Avas forehead her daughter never slept this much or got this upset often. A frown set on her face as she felt and watched her daughter. Tala picked Av

Don't worry probably just a flu." She said as Ava coughed and puked on her mom's shoulder. "Aww my poor Ava." Tala sl

Ava was limp and listless on her mom. Tala knew it was just a flu and she be okay. Ava fell asleep in her arms.

with their daughter the whole time, but as a new father, he couldn't help but worry. Especially when he had seen her throw up on Tala, he was in a slight panic-mode, he only managed to keep it from showing because Tala seemed so confident in handling the situation. He was still getting use

ow she was definitely trying to hide from him the fact that she had a thing for his best friend. She was his sister after all, so if there was anyone he automatically paid attention to, it was her. He found it funny the way they both acted if he was in the room, as if they didn't even know each other, they couldn't make it any more obvious. Now, while Louve loved his sister and Ulf both, he couldn't help but dis

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