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One Night with the Hybrid King

Chapter 7 Aria

Word Count: 2531    |    Released on: 02/09/2024

ween the two is not limited to the expression in their eyes; their hair shares the s

gel. Go back to sleep, okay?" I rea

ream, he was furious. It scared me," Thorne says with a yawn. H

happen. I promise," I reply softly, though

at I could get pregnant from a single encounter with a stranger? Even if the chances were higher th

nly image that now comes to mind is that of King Caelum. I leave my children's room,

simply impossible. I would have recognized him that night," I

into a troubled dream of a night of passion and desire five years ago, intertwined with the night of ter

owen shouts excitedly and jumps on t

e mine, pressing against my still aching belly. I let ou

lowen asks, worried. Her green eyes ma

ork yesterday and got a few small injuries, but Mom

jumping on the bed so hard. I have always attributed some of Elowen's features to Alexander, hoping he was the fat

not because she does not want to make them," Elowen says in a

hugging her with c

s today. Mommy will make them for you. Now go to your room

running down the hallway to her room. I lie back d

raumatized by what happened yesterday, th

ly, she leaves some pain medication on the counter and says nothing more about today. On the radio, they report on the attac

The Wolfspawn Renegades were neutralized, and some were captured. During the attack, the words 'out with the half-bloods and

e been under attack relentlessly for the past two years, making me

down the hallway with my mother. Breakfast becomes a time full of laughter, arguments, an

the staff are filled with a mix of fear and disbelief, as if at any moment, another disaster might occur. The

he is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her eyelids are swollen, and her hands trembl

y words, though true, feel empty in the midst of the anguish-filled atmosphere. Nicole'

ling, fragile voice, as if she is on the verge of breaking. Her words carry the weight of t

of agonizing screams and the terrible roars of the werewolves are etched in my mind, like a macabre soundtrack I cannot turn off. The sight of tho

r pale face contorting into an

king on a firmer, almost resolute tone. "Not even for twenty thousand gold coins would I s

erned with survival, with the constant need for money, stops me from categorically stating that I will never go back. The image of Thorne and Elowen flashe

s a dark cloud hovering over me, an additional source of anxiety amid the chaos. I require this money to support my children, and the i

ies the indignation of someone who knows that despite everything we faced, the system that employs us rarely values us as w

minds are abruptly interrupted by the authoritative voice of our b

ion for what we went through. The tone of ignorance in his words is like a bucket of cold water, bringing us back to the harsh reality of work. "Aria, after the shift, I need a minute with you. I need your help," he adds, his tone

nease beginning to spread inside me. The words leave my mouth almost reflexively, a

xiety. The hall and kitchen are finally clean, the smell of cleaning products mingling with the remnants of food and sweat, creatin

nd the nervousness tightens my stomach like a clenched fist. My boss app

ers in a gruff voice, and I take

ct. The strong smell of cheap cigarettes is almost suffocating, a mix of nicotine and despair that seems t

overed by swollen and red eyelids, possess a glint that makes me uncomfortable. There is something predator

eaning slightly forward. The curiosity in his voice is evident, but there is something else, som

ng to keep my voice steady and controlled. Inside, I feel my he

creases. He fiddles with a strand of my hair with a touch that makes me shiver with revulsion. His proximity, the smell of cigarettes mixed with his heavy breath, everythi

cheeks. I feel my body stiffen with the unwanted proximity, my instinct for self-preservation screaming for me to move awa

tion I am in here at the company," I retort, my vo

know very well that one misstep could cost me my job. An

anual labor and into something more... pleasurable," he insinuates, his voice full of a malice that makes me

man; I believe your wife would not find any of this right. Making such vulgar proposals!" I add, letting a touch of anger slip into m

rly see that my words have struck his ego and pride, and I know a reprisal is coming. The atmos

d force. His brutality is sudden and shocking, and I feel the painful grip of his fingers on my skin, like claws diggin

f a loud thud interrupts the scene. The office door swings open violentl

releasing my arm as he turns his

k. Behind him, five armed men accompany him, their expressions grim and alert, ready for anything. The king's gaze is h

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