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Word Count: 1609    |    Released on: 03/09/2024


r Blade. I slowly got up from my now-soaked bed and nearly slipped because of the water" Really?!"Oliver shouted "You ne

to endure so much pain at school today." Then do yourself a flipping favor and get dressed in 5 minutes and be downstairs to make breakfast for the whol

iting my room. I fell to the floor shivering both from the cold wate

for the members occupying the park house and also do my daily c

ich is called the Crescent Silver Park but after the accident I had during my childhood days which left me with a limp, I kind of became an outcast. It all started with my parents no longer having time for

s head in my family, especially my mother Martha Watkins, and I think no wait...I know that's what occupied everyone's time

ark Ethan Blade because well I was and am useless of course and the park needed a maid of course. My limp hardly lets me get much done even walk

s huge. like I mean enormous and it was a hassle cleaning it every day before going to school but I didn't mind, I have gotten used to it over th

ness in this park, no other person not even her mate showed me kindness. Her mate ignored me while her son well you know did his bullying with his friends but Luna Lily wa

ol before it's too late" she said. Relief is an understatement of what I felt when I heard those w

another scolding "You're late" I gulped and looked around as every student's eyes in my class were on me "Sorry Mrs Harold, I didn't mean to come late" she scoffed at my reply "Come on Watkins, I am getting a bit bored with that same old reply" she said. Before I could reply, Valerie Colli

re late you get detention for a week got it?"I nodded slowly and walked to my seat which was at the

ill the tauntings stop, when will the humiliations end, wh

this cave called a school and limp right back into the hell hole I call home. I sigh heavily and tiredly limp over to my locke

s poured on it earlier, and got downstairs and straight to making lunch and dinner a

the ground" What can I do for you, Sir?"I replied" Well is lunch ready everyone is starving like crazy" I nodded a yes and he told me to hurry

eep I heard my name being yelled by someone, well ...there goes my rest, I got up slowly and walked to where my name was being called and honestl

ut my punishment will only worsen." Alpha Ethan asks for your presence in his office you better not keep him waiti

at is just around the corner" The new moon festival is an occasion where every unmated werewolf that is up to age seeks for their mate. Well, I praye

r the festival" I blinked once, then twice what? I didn't want to be involved in anything tha

he festival, I thought about my mate, and my family, and wondered if I would ever be loved by anyone, as I drifted off to sleep I prayed t

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