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Awakened Powers~

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 2127    |    Released on: 06/09/2024


told her. The quiet hum of the room's single flickering light bulb seemed deafening in the silence that followed

, the email, and now this-being whisked away to a hidden location by a man who claime

ot to take in," he said, his voice gentle. "But I promise, you're not alone in this.

gn that this might be some elaborate joke. But there was only sin

s?" she asked,

h abilities like yours are rare, and most of them don't even realize what they're capable

, the name sending a shiver down

uals, some human, some... not. They've been around for centuries, keeping tabs on people like you-people with abilities. They claim to

her head around what he was saying. "A

ession darkening slightly.

heavy and unexpected. Samantha's eyes widen

. They found me after my abilities first manifested, and they took me in, trained me to use my powers for their purposes. It

f sympathy for him. But then the fear crept back in. "So why should I trust you now?" sh

he said softly. "I know I don't deserve your trust, not yet. But I'm trying to make up for the things I've d

with the sense of calm that Preston somehow brought her. There was something about him, somethin

" she finally asked, her vo

our specific abilities, though what those are exactly... I'm not entirely sure yet. But they believe you're the key to somet

le heavily on her chest. "What abilities?

here. I've seen it happen before. It starts small-tingling sensations, strange occurrences, like

o believe what she was hearing. "So what do

ep is keeping you safe. The Watchers won't give up easily, and they'll do whatever it

ed, frowning. "You mean we

ut what they want and how to stop them. But you won't be alo

stantly looking over her shoulder, filled her with a deep sense of dread. But she knew

, meeting Preston's gaze

et out of the city. The longer we stay here, the more danger we're in. I know a place

eeling a bit of the anxiety liftin

don't know about it, and it'll give us some time to think and prepare. We'll also m

ha asked, cur

ike us. But she knows a lot about the Watchers and about people w

ng to absorb everything he w

"It won't be easy, but I promise I'l

ntertwined, she felt that same electric tingle again, but this time it was less

ls were lined with peeling wallpaper, and the dim lights cast long shadows on the worn carpet. It was a far cry from the safety

ver the deserted parking lot. A single car-a beat-up old sedan-sat in the corner, its paint peeling and its windows

wry smile as he opened the passenger door for

e interior was just as worn as the exterior, with cracked leather seats and a faint smell of

d a sputter. As they pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road, Samantha couldn't help but

ned out and the trees became more frequent. Samantha watched the world go by, her mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead.

forests and hills that seemed to stretch on forever. Samantha tried to keep track of where they were going, but eventually, she

either side, their branches forming a canopy overhead that blocked out most of the sunlight. The road twis

ston announced as

a porch that wrapped around the front. It looked like something out of a storybook

er woman with sharp features and silver-streaked hair appeared in the doorway. Her eyes were a piercing

said with a nod. "

s she looked at Samantha. "Come i

s warm and inviting, with a fire crackling in the hearth and shelves lined with books and

, she noticed a large, intricately carved bowl in the middle of the table, filled with clear water. The carv

d for seeing things beyond the physical world. But you won't need it. Your

at Evelyn. "What is this power? Preston told me I hav

cannot be explained with words alone. But know this: the power within you is ancient, older than the Watchers,

the weight of Evelyn's words

ers are not the only ones who seek to control you. There are forces at play that even the

to process everything. "How do

ocus your mind and body. I will guide you, but the path will not be easy. Th

h, trying to steel herself

rovingly. "Good.

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