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Awakened Powers~

Chapter 7 Seven

Word Count: 3167    |    Released on: 06/09/2024

felt like a place where she could truly begin to understand the depths of her abilities. But even as she started her tr

peace, the concern gnawed at her. They had been inseparable since childhood, and the thought of Sally bein

sharpening a set of daggers by the fire. His focus was intense, but she could tell

we need to find Sally. She's out there, and I can't shake

at her, concern etched into his features. "I've been thinking the same thing. If the W

thought. "We have to get her, bri

re. But we'll need a plan. The Watchers are watching us,

a said, determination rising w

e situation. His expression remained thoughtful t

ave identified her as someone close to you, they may already be

" Preston asked, stan

end a small, discreet team. I'll have Kaleb join you-he's skilled in both tec

a asked, unfamil

a wild card, but he's been invaluable to our efforts against

ger than she had expected, with tousled dark hair, sharp eyes that sparkled with mischief

aleb said, his tone teasing but fri

eplied, trying to match his light

the best. Ready to

mantha said, glancing at Prest


ards. Kaleb led the way, his movements swift and sure as he navigated the dense forest surrounding the sanctua

they were about to do-venturing into Watcher territory to save someone they cared about-pressed heavily on Samantha. But the th

ng out at the quiet suburban neighborhood that lay ahead. The street was lined with neatly kept houses, their windows

, glancing at Samantha. "Do y

the street. "That one. Sally's parents are usually home, but she l

l right. We'll go in quietly, try to avoid any unnecessary attenti

id being seen. When they reached the backyard, they paused, listening for any signs of moveme

he approached the basement door. He tested the handle, finding it u

desk in the corner. The space was cluttered with the usual trappings of a

called out softl

ind a curtain that separated the sleeping area from


rushed to the curtain, pulling it aside to reveal Sally sittin

d, her voice shaking slightly. "I thought you w

orry, Sally. I've been... things have been crazy. But we don't have time

d in confusion. "Danger? What are y

interjected, his voice urge

t, vibrating through the walls and floor. Samantha's stomach dropped as she recog

ce from his pocket and pressing a series of button

tightened her grip on her friend's hand.

or, but as they reached it, the basement was suddenly plunged into darkness. The lights flickere

," Kaleb muttered. "We

d shut with a deafening bang, and the temperature in

his dagger and stepping protectively in fro

eel the presence of the Watchers, their malevolent energy pressing in from all sides. But the

ston asked, his voice tense. "It'

fogging in the cold air. "We need to do some

ng in around them. And then, from the inky blackness, came th

s hand hovering over the device in his pocket. "B

n and Samantha

e basement with a harsh, white glow. The light revealed the forms of the Watchers, their tall, hoode

est Watcher, the blade connecting with a sickening thud. But instead of falling

n her. She could feel it responding, surging through her veins like liquid fire. With a

ed through the basement. Its form disintegrated under the

exhaustion setting in, her energy waning with each attack. S

called out, her voice strained wit

thers. This Watcher was taller, more imposing, and its eyes glowed a deep, unsettling r

d, backing away from the n

d the figure. "It's a High Watcher-a

d around it. The air in the basement grew thick with tension, the oppre

ng like a dying flame. She had never faced anything like this before-this w

. Not now. Not when Sall

of energy she had, channeling it into a concentrated blast of light. The

n't fall. Instead, it let out a low, rumbling growl and raised its h

t!" Kaleb shouted,

ard Samantha with terrifying speed. She barely had time to react, ra

nd sending her crashing to the floor. The world spun around her, t

y screamed, rush

pulling her down into oblivion. She could hear Preston and Kaleb fighti

ate, but it wasn't enough to pull her back. Th

something-a warmth, a presence that she hadn't expected. It was like

ered, her voice bare

her, igniting the power within her once again. It was different this time-more focused, more controlled. It w

thin her grew stronger. She could see the High Watcher advancing, its eyes glowing with malevolent intent

epeated, her voi

owing red eyes narrowed, and it raised its hand once more, dark

er hands, forming a barrier of energy between herself and the Watcher. The dark energy

of here!" Samantha shouted, h

tcher. But he saw the determination in her eyes, and with a qui

!" Sally cried, struggli

ed, her voice firm. "I'll be

ming down her face, but she fina

ha alone with the High Watcher. The barrier of light flickered, but Samant

hards of light scattering across the room. Samantha stumbled back, but she didn't let the fear take hold. In

, the darkness around it seemed to waver. The Watcher's form flicker

orm solidifying once more. It lashed out with a tendril of dark

she didn't let go of the light. She focused all her strength on

word filled with all the

atcher let out a terrible scream as the light consumed it, its form disintegrating into nothingness. Th

Samantha standing alone in the basement, panting and trembling from the effort. T

rd footsteps approaching. She turned, ready to face another thr

g to her side and throwing her

tly, relief washing over her in

of awe and concern. "That was... incredible,

her voice shaky. "But I couldn't le

a High Watcher, Sam. That's no small feat. I think it's sa

e. The High Watcher had been powerful, yes, but she knew there were mo

Samantha said, her voice firm. "We nee

und the now-empty basement. "Let's m

ng a watchful eye on their surroundings. The streets were quiet, but there w

th everything that had happened. She had faced a powerful enemy and won, but at what cost

ver and squeezed her hand. "Thank you, Sam. I don't

offering her a small, tired smile. "I'll alwa

hake the feeling that something had changed. The power within her had awakened in a way she hadn't e

all started. She was stronger now, more determined. And she had

face whatever challenges lay ahead, and she would protect those she loved

er, but Samantha was ready

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