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Biker Billionaire

Chapter 4 Coming Back

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 07/09/2024

le dragging my suitcases from the airport, I had decided to get some rest at the lobby. The good thing was that it was not yet deserted as people were getting in and out of the airport

not going to wait for it to disappo

s and one large bag so the first option was a no. The second option was leave my bags at the lobby and look for a cab. That was also not a good idea as I could not trust the guard or the people that were seated be

me. I thanked the heavens as I settled in the plush seats of the cab. It smelled of chemicals which meant that it had been recently cleaned. I had struck gold with the cab driver because he was not the ta

wild in my mind. I was back in the town that had caused me so much heartache and I did not know what to feel about it. I had mixed feelings: I was happy to be home but on the other hand, I was apprehensive about what my future held. I felt lonel

nderstand me but I had failed. So I left. I left the only job that I knew and was well paying, I left the only friend that had stood for me and came back to the wilderness that I used to call home. Here people did not know the wom

me an email-short


is email as an official notice to vacate my apartment. Your ex-husband says that you hav

rom the family. You are not welcome

our f


o me or with me for almost a year. I had tried reaching out to my only sister and favorite cousin but all I had rec

welcome change. It was a downgrade from the one I had had in Harlin, but I was happy to take it. It meant that I was going to occupy my mind with numbers instead of thinking of all the things that had gone wrong in my life. I did not know

ed to do was to keep my past at bay and never let it cloud my present and future. I did not know when I fell asleep because the next tim

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