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Chapter 3 A Blooming friendship

Word Count: 821    |    Released on: 13/09/2024

mth. Ava found herself eagerly anticipating Max's visits, finding a sense of comfort and familiarity in his presence that made her days a little brighter. One afternoon, as they sipped their usual cup

aters. "I felt pretty lost after that. But my mom-she loved gardening. She used to say that growing things was a way of keeping hope alive. So, I started tending a small garden in the backyard. It was my way of keeping her with me, I guess." Ava listened, her heart heavy with empathy. She had known loss too, and though their stories were different, the pain was something she understood all too well. "I'm so sorry, Max," she said quietly. "I can't imagine how hard that must've been." Max offered a small smile, appreciative of her kindness. "Gardening helped me heal. It gave me something to focus on, something to nurture when everything else felt out of control." As the days passed, Ava and Max found that the garden, much like their friendship, was beginning to bloom. The once-struggling plants were now thriving under their care, and vibrant flowers burst forth from the soil, adding life and color to Ava's backyard. It became their sanctuary-a place where they could unwind, share stories, and watch the sunset as the warm hues bathed the garden in soft light. One evening, after a long day of planting, they sat together on the edge of the garden, admiring their handiwork. Ava leaned back on her elbows, gazing up at the sky as the first stars began to twinkle overhead. "I feel like I'm finally starting to understand what my mom loved about this," she said softly. "It's not just about t

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