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Chapter 4 A Mischievous Trio

Word Count: 749    |    Released on: 13/09/2024

w her mind buzzed with playful curiosity. "Ava, dear," she called out, her voice dripping with teasing delight, "I think you've found yourself a young man!" Ava's cheeks flushed instantly

laced with affection. Mrs. Jenkins waved her hand dismissively. "Nonsense! Every wedding needs a good lemon bar!" Max laughed, his eyes gleaming as he watched the easy camaraderie between the women. He was growing fond of these afternoons, where the air was thick with laughter and the company was nothing short of delightful. Inside Mrs. Jenkins' cozy kitchen, the smell of fresh lemon zest filled the air as the trio watched her work her magic. Soon enough, they gathered around the kitchen table, munching on the warm, sugary treats and sipping on freshly brewed coffee. The sun began to set, casting a golden glow through the windows, making the scene feel almost too perfect. Lily, ever the instigator, leaned forward with a grin. "So, Max, what do you think of Ava's gardening skills?" Max chuckled, a teasing glint in his eye. "She's a natural! Honestly, I'm learning a lot from her." Ava, not missing a beat, playfully swatted him with a napkin. "Oh, please! I'm the one learning from *you!*" Their playful exchange earned a delighted laugh from Mrs. Jenkins, who looked between them with a knowing smile. "You two are just adorable," she chimed in. "I can already see the beautiful garden you'll create together. I'll have to come over when the roses are in fu

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