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Chapter 7 The Game of Shadows

Word Count: 740    |    Released on: 10/09/2024

rly-decorated apartment. The smell of expensive candles filled the air, and the silence was deafening. Beve

e," Francesca began,

a, her expression unreadable, before finally speaking. "

en aback by the unexpe

one where we'd pretend to be queens ruling over our kingdoms. You were

ncesca finished, the

then, you were the favorite. Everyone

he direction of the conversation

Francesca. It's always been about you. Even when I tried

d-" Francesca started,

happened. And no matter what I did, I was always second bes

ad never realized how deep Beverly's pain ran

ancesca said softly. "I

anger. "But you did. And now

an cold. "What are

You think this is about Chike? About some silly love tr

e quickened. "Wh

d it. "You see, while you were busy playing the victim

screen-documents, videos, emails-all linking Ike to powerful figures in

done?" Francesca whisper

I had to do. What you never had the guts to do. I made allianc

r her. "You're playing with fire, Beverly. You

y what I'm doing. And when this is over, yo

sister had gone too far, and there was no turning back. "You'r

yes gleaming. "And when I do, I'll

ath, steeling herself. "T


charged with unresolved emotions. But before either of them could

hardening as she read the message. "It seems

" Francesca asked,

Ike's been making moves. But he doesn'

Beverly's words sinking in. Whatever was abo

leave, Beverly's voice

ooking back a

rly said, her tone almost g

s always personal, Beverly. Esp

racing with what she needed to do next. The ga

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