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Through Space to Mars; Or, the Longest Journey on Record


Word Count: 2058    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ng a dive for the laboratory door, but slipping

he midst of danger and excitement, seemed to remain

scrambled to his feet. "We

use now? It'

of the broken test tube, the bell–jar and

he door of the laborat

t's all over. There's no more

that had been blown on an upper shel

o danger? What do you call that?" and he pointed to th

ny more," observed Ja

y gentleman, wearing spectacles, entered

ne hurt? Was there an ex

the broken glass, the scattered and torn

ion," replied Jack, a faint s

asked quickly, stepping over t

him," expl

Did a boo

and Mark was helping me. He was afraid the test t

ead. "The test tube, and the other tube, and the rubb

Jack, this time with a broad smile. "I d

as it, Darrow?" ask

inventor. "I was going to show it to you, and see what y

it?" asked the i


re i

you can smell i

the laboratory, but that was usual in the college wh

ve a new odor. But I'm glad neither of you was

" explained Jack. "I'll be more careful next t

etter be a 'next time' right

gas, you had better generate it in something str

r," repl

ratory now for a class in physics. Just tell the janitor to come here and sweep up the broken gla

Jack. "It was all my fault. I didn't

ith a smile as Jack and Mark passed o

nces. They were orphans, and, after having had many trying experiences, each of them had left his cruel employers, and, unknown to each other previously, h

on was a learned scientist who was constantly building new wonderful machines. He was working on an airship, in which to set out and locate the North Pole, when he discovered Jack and Mark, injured in the freight wreck. He a

old hunter, named Andy Sudds, and some other

ked by savage Esquimaux. Once they were caught in a terrible storm. They actually passed over the ex

kable trip. The professor had a theory that there was an open sea at the South Pole, and he wanted to prove it. He decided that the best way to get there was to go und

s held the boat in immense arms, and it required hard fighting to get free. The boys and the others had the no

uth America. On it was a great whirlpool, into which the Porpoise was nearly sucked by a powerful current. They managed

, according to some scientists, and after some consideration, Professor Hende

had yet built. He would need one that could sail on the w

le voyage, you will find set down in the third book of

they came to the great shaft leading downward. Then the ship rose in the air and descended through clouds

professor had been prepared for this emergency, and he had built a strong cylinder, into which all the travelers placed themselves. Then it was projected into a powerful upward

ssing vessel. Of course, they had abandoned the Mermaid, leaving the craft in the center of the

their share from the sale of the diamonds, they took up a course at the Universal Electrical and Chemical College. Each had an ambition to become as great an inventor as was Professor Henderson, with whom they continu

at the college, and were in the midst

rofessor turn out a craft even more wonderful than the Electric Monarch, the Porpoise or the Flying Mermai

asked Mark, as he and his chum wa

ant that to succeed. I kno

was as near to a joke as he ever would come, for, though Jack was jolly and

imed Jack. "And when I do-you

putting his hand on his head, th

k alone in the laboratory again, and Jack had to promise not to try

er, another student, as he saw J

e for me," answered Jack. "I'm going

ay. "I don't want to be around when you try your new exper

a new scheme,"

, were busy with test tubes, rubber hose, Bunsen flames

cess. He collected a jarful of oxygen, generated in a way he had

some one opened the laborator

legram for y


t just

pen the yel

ofessor Hende

the matter?

k. "It says: 'Come home at o

serious," said P

hear from you when you reach Professor Henderson. I trust nothin

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