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Through Space to Mars; Or, the Longest Journey on Record


Word Count: 1969    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ocution ob attaining de maximum nutrition ob internal combustion?" asked Washington White about an hour later, as he poked

with a wink at Mark. "Would yo

"What I done intended to convey to de auditory sensibilitie

"That sounds as if it was going in be worse than the other. Did

proportionate language what I knows how, an' yet it seems laik s

ington, with an injured look at Jack, who was laughing

hen Washington was in the kitchen, for it had been agreed that nothing was yet to be said to the colored man as

ancy that we will take enough along from

re must be things to sustain it. Perhaps the food there will not be such as we are use

u expect to sta

be ready to return-that is, after having studied th

s so that they let us come back

n. "But now I must get back to the shop. I am having a lit

the Annihilator for a propeller to project from, and there is no provision for a tube, such as we used to

aces attached to the motor. The force flows from the plates right through the stern of the ship, passing through the metal without the necessity for any openings. The wireless waves, as they may be called, act on the ether, and, by pushing against it send the project

t see this for

ireless impulses that flow from

e, just the sa

the scientist. "But, now I

on, "we must, all get busy. Wh

od at building machinery. I thought you might

ond of eating, which, perhaps

for hunting, and Andy set off

e on Mars," said Mark. "I think

very different from that on this earth," said the scienti

he stuff for you,

r, as he walked toward the little lake, where wild

mal seems to frighten him. If he should happen to meet a dinotherium, such a

h stranger beasts than dinother

Washington, entering the room at

conversation!" exclaimed Jack with a l

, Massa

ast. It was about twenty feet long, lived

g you sa


ul sight ob weeds, d


berrun wid weeds. If I had

ums," corr

y. "If I had one ob dem, I wouldn't hab t' weed mah

rs too late," was the lad's answer. "The

ngton, his eyes opening wide


time dat he couldn't chew de weeds after he p

you will,"

k were very busy over the Annihilator. It was beginning

the big living–room of Professor Henderson's home, discussing the pr


walking around the house,"

goes out to see if his chickens are shut up. He is very proud

some one or some animal moving about

d like Washington,

, attending to some of the housework (for he was

ide, Washington?" a

been upstairs

again!" cried

e plainly, and one of the

ens!" exclaimed the colored man

door, but the profe

d. "He will make less

stood, and, taking his gun from a corner, slipped

silence. They could hear the stealthy footsteps

professor. "This is the second time some one

you spoke of, Mr. Roumann, who you thought might try to discover

osest friends know that I am here with Professor Henderson, making a projectile, the

gton. "If yo'll allow me, perfesser, t' project mah

to trouble if you went out and tried conclusions with a thicken th

I did say,

, but the silence of the night was sudd

shot at him

tealer!" yelled the colored man.

mmanded Mr

and then the sound of f

ere," called Jack, h

to follow, but the outline was immediately lost in the dark

hit him?"

ver his head," repl


e man prowling around, and fo

ob my chickens?"

sn't near

only a tramp," s

" added Mr. Roumann. "Still, if he did, the

ndy stood his gun in a corner. T

when you saw him?"

ng the window here

hear what we were talkin

ickly. "Fortunately I never talk about the secret of th

," proposed Mark. "Ned and Sam will know if

of building, but the machinists said they had not been

en Mr. Roumann paid an early visit to the machine s

sked Jack, who

Etherium motor!" cried the sci

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