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The Curse of Seasons - Trilogy

Chapter 5 Willow

Word Count: 1113    |    Released on: 19/09/2024


art beat furiously within my chest and I wished that I'd punched the idiot instead of just slapp

im living next door... but hopefully I'

into the darkness before I sp

n I heard my mother call from the kitchen,

entered her domain, leanin

ble where she sat organizing her special cutlery into i

ering to look my way as she laid a silver

quiver when I a

, a knowing look deep in her ey

uys messing with him at dinner." I spilled, hoping that his act

urned to leave, upset with myself for snapping. My mother had very strict rules about ladylike behaviour, her British heritage

party to make up for your actions tonight." my

started, silenc

Lana, and I expected you to behave like a hostess. Hostesses do not slap their guests at the sli

ss bully was going to ruin the one thing I looked forward to

grabbing my cellphone, I dialled the

ng you to call until tom

elf and launched myself

I need yo

from the other end of the phone as Will

d before pressing me for more information.

with a smile, somehow not feeling nea


fore spilling my guts about how Rhett had behaved,

tting him and is forcing me to inv

unds like a real piece

do I

uld have the number of a brilliant

ver in a few days and we'll reassess the situation when I get there... but in the meantime, just be civil. You

ppy with the outcome

il you come around. Then you'll se

ng sound of her sketching, something she did

urn. What's w

mean?" she as

riends for years! I know you b

ear her rip out the page

nde chick?" she waited for my response before she continued. "Well, I saw a guy who looke

ith the universe", were really superstiti

asked, trying to sound

re my grandparents stay over Christmas. The next thing I knew I crashed into this guy who turned around and glared at me, not saying a

ed. "I'm sure Fern was just

ere obsessed with plants it seems, and their poor children had to live with the names they were given - Willow

he's come to accept it so I don't

er crash and

ou back later. But I'll se


she put dow

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