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The Prince and the Rebel

Chapter 3 The Disguise

Word Count: 361    |    Released on: 15/09/2024

and cap that had shielded his identity, he replayed their conversation in his mind. Sofia was everything he had imagined - fiercely intelligent, passionate, and u

rince raised in luxury, possibly bridge the gap between his world and hers? She h

ked through the dim corridors of the palace. He had barely reached his

went as expected?" Kensington as

n agitator. She genuinely cares about the people. If we keep ignor

est movement will solve that? This isn't just about a few disgruntled citizens. The monarch

ander argued. "Maybe that's the only w

ong pause, he simply nodded. "You're the future king, Alexand

rrow, he would be expected to attend meetings with advisors, appear at public events, and uphold the image

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