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The Prince and the Rebel

Chapter 5 The Prince's Speech

Word Count: 523    |    Released on: 15/09/2024

ed on the massive screen that broadcasted the royal press conference. The air was thick with a

, flanked by advisors and royal guards. He looked every bit the part - tall, poised, and impeccably dressed

your voices, your concerns, and your frustrations. I have seen the passion with which

Listening, she thought bitterly. They always

f its people," Alexander continued. "I believe in the importance of the monarchy, but I also believe in the importance of progress. That is why, effective

enched her fists, her skepticism deepening. This was classic royal damage control - o

sweeping over the crowd again. "I believe that open dialogue is the key to resolving our differences. I

n invitation to meet with the prince? It was unheard of. The crowd erupted into

d her. "You

to him, incredulous.

You've been saying for months that we need to be h

game. But another part of her - the part that wanted real change - knew that this might be their only opportunity

aze still fixed on Prince Alexander as he fini

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