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The Alphas' Younger Sister's Rebellion

Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 1210    |    Released on: 17/09/2024

and switch into your wolf, don't forget t

. I have switched back, and I am naked, with no clothes on. Wolves, we are

the beautiful lake with the waterfalls. I have cried until I f

ight above my knees. I touch my head and I am wearing a crown of flowers; I twirl watching my dress twirl with me. I laugh and

coming from, not seeing anyone until I look at the lake. Gliding across the lake towards me is the most beautiful person I

she is silent. I think she knows I want to talk t

You have been whining for years about how unfair things are for y

their life as they see fit. However, we are forced upon a mate, and that mate can haul us

shake my head no. "Then why do you compare your life with humans? Do you

h women to fill an NFL stadium, and the way they don't care about how they hurt my mate. I don't want that nonsense. My mate is an Alp

ssed my path by the moon goddess. Although many didn't mean to irritate me, I showed no mercy to them. I even beat the victims in front of their friends. Aft

ess to provide food for them. Now let's see you pray, "Why the letter C?" Please let my brothers le

much big stuff is going on in the world. The moon goddess shows me the

e her as her Luna. I see a war that will never have started b

m. She shows me how the Kingdom will fall apart, as the Alpha does not care any longer since I leave. T

the wolves that are in pain, while I am thinking about what really are petty things in life. Looking at

on has a title, and wealth doesn't mean they are not suffering pain." I nod to the

ed. I swear my dream was like a r

er than calling one individually, I call in a group video chat. "Guys, I am fine, last night I ran away, you will not believe my story, but the moon goddess b

hed setting up the security system at the castle the other day. My accountants wi

im trying to speak, he seems nervous to ask me something. I remain patient while I wait f


your highness, we cannot as we both have a mate out there


iving me crazy. I need to go workout; I ca

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