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A Gentleman Vagabond and Some Others

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1508    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

in Baltimore, nervously consulting his watch

this all? Where are

ng, major," said Jack. "Where

gs and guns, and put 'em on the upper deck alongside of my luggage. Now, gentleme

n regarding the state-rooms, remarking that he had selected the "fo' best on the upper dec

age-was passed to the major before he had opened his mouth. When he did open it-the mouth-there was no audible protest as regards the selection. When he closed it ag

, and made gay and delightful inside the after-cabin by the charm of the major's talk,-the whole passenger-list entranced as he skipped from politics and the fi

ear fellow! I'm astounded that a man of yo' gifts should not-Here-just do me the favor to look thr

ked Jack, a slight smile

ll valise. Here, take my keys," said the major, straightening his back, squeezing his fat hand into the pocket of his

ent suit of clothes he owns, and the rest of his wardrobe you could stuff into a bandbox. English sole-leather trunk! Here, put your thumb on th

rnoon in front of Delmonico's, presenting a well-fed, even a bloated, appearance. The clasps, too, a

then the one shirt, porcelain-finished collars, and the other necessaries, including a pair of slippers and a comb. Next, three bundles loosely wrapped, one containing two wa

ver goes back without something for them if it takes his last dollar; tobacco for his old cook,

led out the major, as

k," said Jack, handing back the keys, g

d. It is not our industries; it is our people. Robbed of their patrimony, their fields laid waste, their estates confiscated by a system of foreclosure lackin' every vestige of decen

ral names on the passenger-list did,

ever knew who ever held out a

h a half-moon of white whiskers tied under

e and property, and it was so nominated in the bond. Well, when it got down to hog and hominy, and very little of that, she told Kent she was goin' to let the place to a strawberry-planter from Philadelphia, and

sn't that very sudden?' She told him it was, and asked him

very deeply grieved, but I am powerless to help. I am not responsible for the way this war ended. I was born here, and here I am going to sta

, under a big sycamore tree in front of the po'ch, and get a farm nigger to pull him round into the shade by the tail o

ke his spirit, neither. Why, when the census man came down a year befo' the colonel's death, he found him sittin' in his rockin'-chair, bare-headed. Without havin' the decency to take off his own hat,

ou say you

d States ce

m the enemy. Take a

matter of form

m, suh,' looking at the hat stil

s?' asked the agent, takin

mad clear through,-'I've no business, suh. I am a prisoner o

queezed the keys back into his pocket, and said he must take a look into the sta

king, his hearty laugh ringing out every few moments. Only the

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