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Chapter 2 ( A Tale Without a Start )

Word Count: 1152    |    Released on: Today at 05:12


and no one will save me. No one will be able to, if I do it quietly. My mind was set, and yet, as I stood there staring out at the dark horizon, something caught my attention, a noise, rough and sharp, from behind me.I froze. The scent hit me before the sight did. My pulse quickened, and I knew who it was before I even turned.Elysia had just the same scent as her daughter, I can't mistake her for someone else, their fragrance was the same. I had heard her warning too many times before, "Stay away from her, Aiden. You will destroy her!"The door burst open, slamming against the wall. Elysia stormed in, her eyes blazing with fury, and before I could react, her hand collided with my face in a sharp slap."You!" she screamed, her voice trembling with rage. "You killed her! You! This is all your fault!" Her words cut through me like a blade, sharper than any physical blow could ever be. I swallowed the pain, refusing to let my wolf out. It wanted to fight back, to rip into her, but I held it back."Elysia," I rasped, "I... I didn't... I'm really sorry.....""Don't you dare speak to me!" she shrieked, grabbing the front of my shirt and pulling me forward. "You didn't protect her. You didn't stay away, and now my daughter is dead because of you!" Her words echoed in my mind, each one twisting deeper into my heart. She's right.I thought of all the times I could have left, all the chances I had to walk away, but I was too selfish, too caught up in her beauty, in the life we could have had. I didn't listen. And now, Seraphina is dead.Elysia's hands trembled as she raised them, a dark aura swirling around her fingers. I felt my wolf stir, but before I could do anything, the magic hit me like a wall, knocking me to my knees."No..." I gasped, trying to shift, to let my wolf take over, but the spell was too strong. My body contorted, bones snapping, fur sprouting across my skin. I howled in pain as I shifted unwillingly, my body forced into its wolf form, and when I looked up, I saw her eyes, cold and unforgiving."This is your pun

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