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SALMA: The Billion-dollar Entanglement

Chapter 4 THE BURDEN

Word Count: 1349    |    Released on: 22/09/2024

d no idea what to do with the new development. But one thing was certain, he wanted to be present for little Caroline. His h

he stood by the entrance. She searched Max's face for an expression to re

dare you?" He questioned her, his voice

one of his voice "W... What?"

u," Max's temper was rising, but he maintained his composure. "I was ready

x, you're scaring me," she

sm could be heard in his voice. "Forget where you ran off

the hotel. It was the first time he was acknowledging her existenc

at her, his voice scared Caroline who curled

" she then stood up to face Max. "My mum and I had to leave town when things go

" He

w pictures, you looked happy Max, I didn't tell you because... because I didn't wan

t. "Keeping my daughter from me is not protecting me,

built a reputation as. Totally oblivious of the life that had unfolded while he was away. Now, suddenly faced with the r

" Max said firmly, his voice calm and st

milar scenarios in her head and was prepared for the worst. But the weight of Max's words stung m

pted her. "You've had 6 years, Salma

o turn back and get one more look at Salma. There was a way she made him feel. And her beautiful eyes still search

drum. She had kept this from him in hopes that it'll be buried and never came to light. Now t


series of extensive treatments and was recovering in the hospital. His close encounter with death had prompted the bold business strategy to unite his company and Aurora Holdings by f

she entered the room. "I have your pills for

pright in his bed and his gaze caught his son walking into

e gasped a bit at the sight of the handsome young man before sh

nor on his son's face.

father. But outside business, he hadn't really shared any of his per

ith you," Harold said as Max sat in the chair beside the

he caught herself blushing at Maximilian Harrington.

s already having second thoughts about the engagement to Olivia. The existence of Caroline changes everything. But what has that got to do with him marrying Olivia.

king, completely oblivious to his son a

y as he realized his fa

d continued "And I can only see this getti

his mind off Caroline. His father's voice fades to the back of

. She felt her heart race as she pictured him standing so close to her after so many years. She never thought that they'd meet again. She had moaned

d into the driveway as the sound of the engine grew cl

couple of times. As the door swung open and a yo

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