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The high school scandals

Chapter 3 Lockers and lessons

Word Count: 734    |    Released on: 23/09/2024

Soon,she was in front of about twenty five students,they were noisily chatting a

silent except from a few whispers and Snickers from the backbenchers. "Here's a new student

eyes in the front row, they were all looking like they h

o talk, "I'm Olivia Richardson,a transfer student from Cityview h

ted away and Olivia felt

lla Russell." The teacher calmly said and smiled warmly at Olivia

already smiling down a

lushed s

e who was forced to work as a teacher handed Olivia a worksheet. "Fo

ck, "Nice? I wish!" and th

ust pretended Noah,it's unfortunate how you're bad at everything!" The teache

t is sass" couldn't help but stare at Olivia who was trying to place her pen on her books without having trembling fingers. Olivia noticed them

sed her hand, "Mister Thompson

ed unaware of the im

her face, "So what makes you think y

hat's with the weird ribbon

from a thrift store?" The whole class

e three girls who sat beside each other wearing way too much make-up and bright outfit. They looked like they were expe

er. Yours looks like every other designer knockoff in this school." She

nce and everyone had a sur

,cleared his throat from

a jimmy choo thyra bag, it's expensive really."

her eyes, "Wh

"Yeah,mind y

ld buy your bag Rachel" then casting a mockery gaze on Tiffany,she continued, "

e of gratitude towards Isabella a

kery,how dare her? She was even more suprised Julian,the shy and quiet guy who has been timid since fourth grade after

ocked her to her face and she had never been more embarrassed.

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