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Moon Touched

Chapter 5 Betwitched

Word Count: 1696    |    Released on: Today at 14:36


in front of the small rundown wooden door. The door was so old that it made a loud squeak whenever someo

't need a lantern to get to it. For as long as I could remember, my b

the monster at night, because who knows if they'll eve

t the presence of someone behind me. Perhaps the king alread

was immediately grabbed by the shoulder. "Aur

, Rita! I shou

who made an attempt to speak to me despite the rumors and my uni

voice especially since I've been patiently waiting for you right here, ho

s involve me and trouble. Whoever said the walls have ears prob

to the foam. "Although that something may end up having me decapitated by tomorrow," I m

she shrieked

l up," A female servant yelled f

intlessly rolled my eyes, knowing full we

alk to me and care about me. At first, she was just like

as staring back, she would scurry off in a hurry. We only became close after she had caught me practi

ht bullseyes in a row." she had said with amazement. Her approach had honestly startled me, I wasn't used to

d, leaving me with a secret of her own. Apparently, she was a werefox. She wouldn'

ansform into foxes. From our human gathered knowledge, they're very sly and bring doom with them wherever they go. But this w

intment, she couldn't transform. She said her fox had been extremely weakened due to an incident she refused to talk about, s

uriosity. She told me what it was like being a were

to me?!" Rita whisper-yelled,

I bli

id what did you g

going to like the words that came out next. "The ki

hanging open. My friend is somewhat as dramatic as I am. "I'm sorry, I must have mish

lady Esther,

. "We have a billion rules in this palace, but the first and foremost

nough rest for the next day," another female servant yelled from the

t of the king and the soon-to-be queen. Pack your bags right no

ou seriously laughing right now? You're the one who has

it since he laid his eyes on me. Maybe the most I'll get is more punishment b

you didn't receive

His Majesty just let me go. He said I must be tired

lling straight to the floor. "Excuse me what? Are you saying the king did not only not puni

u really have elf magic? Was

ing my shoulders

t me go. She saw my ears and assumed I bewitched him with my elf magic, b

Esther won't give you hell from now on after this incident, especially since the king took your side over hers. But still, it's suspiciou

t would happen tomorrow. Although for some reason I was rather confident that nothing s

Rita, there's really not much we can do right now anyways.

ight waiting for you, I'm pretty tired. See you tomorrow...I hope," she said a

on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. My t

to the king and look at his face, bu

us. I pulled out the small piece of fabric he had given me earlier to clean my wound. I played with it in m

t. He didn't judge me or call me disgusting. In fact, he had

upon seeing my ears. It was the second time someone touched me

squirming and tossing around for about a good thirty minutes, the

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