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She Who Laughs Last

Chapter 9 Broken Promises, Buried Secrets

Word Count: 3779    |    Released on: 05/10/2024

e storm raging within her. She could feel the eyes of passersby, could almost hear their whispers about the crazed woma

ee filled her nose, a stark contrast to the antiseptic hospital air she had just left. She took a seat near the back, her eyes staring out the window at the blur of

the shambles her life had become. She took a deep breath and steeled herself for what she had to do. Serenity tiptoe

just like the part of him she'd desperately tried to understand for years. A strangled sob escaped

he was about to give up, she spotted a small silver box hidden behind the nightstand. With trembling hands, she opened it to find a key. It had to be for the drawer. She sprinted back to the office, the key

ered to the floor. It was from a hotel she didn't recognize, dated for tomorrow night. The realization hit her like a sledgehammer. The rage an

n her stomach – Cole was plann

e quiet that had become a prison, but she remained silent, her sobs muffled by her hands. Without a second thought, she snatched the receipt, tucking it into t

in control over the chaos that had taken over her world. Each movement was mechanical, a dance of denial choreographed by years of

of Cole and his secret life flashing before her like a twisted movie reel. Each frame brought a fresh wave of pain,

. She wiped a stray tear from her cheek and forced a smile. "Oh,

ily. "Can we get ice cream on the way home, Mommy?" she a

bus ride was a blur. Kaia chattered excitedly about her day yet Serenity only o

on Serenity's hand. "Mommy, are

tired, honey. I think I watched a movie that w

read. "How about you head upstairs and unpack your t

to run upstairs, Serenity stopped her, "Why don't we have a special picnic in

lit up.

ump in her throat. "Yes, really.

d at the screen for a moment, then with a determined sigh, turned it off. Tonight, she wo

fruit, for the lunch, and soup and grilled cheese for dinner. The kitchen was eerily quiet, a stark contrast to

ile. Serenity placed the food on Kaia's dresser and reached into her apron and locked

our picnic,

setting sun. "Absolutely! Can we

o a hug. "Of course, pri

he makeshift fort, giggling and whispering secrets. Serenity felt a semblance of peace, a temporary reprieve from the storm that awaited

ed the room, Serenity heard the unmi

are you?" Serenity's heart raced. She knew the drill. The smell of alcohol and fur

ning off the bedroom and bathroom ligh

f the bathtub, he

sweetie. It's a gam

heart racing as Cole's footsteps grew louder. "Don't worry," Serenity soothed, her voice trembling slightly. "He can't hurt

told Kaia a story of a brave princess, her voice wavering as she tried to drown out the thunderous echoes of Cole's rage d

the room, Serenity allowed herself to collapse onto the floor, tears streaming down her face. She felt so weak,

run over by a truck, every muscle aching, every joint stiff. Tiptoeing to Kaia's room, Serenity gently unlocked the door. Relief washed

th of the previous night. Her stomach churned as she saw a trail

ed the one inside her. She grabbed a broom and dustpan, mechanically cleaning up the

er. Kaia! She was goin

mbled to the toaster, shoving in two slices of brea

sleepyhead! You're goin

ng sleep from her eyes, rubbing the sleep from her cheeks. "W

right. As Kaia pulled on her jacket, Serenity darted towards Cole's study.

uitcase. Serenity rushed to the suitcase and carried it and unzipped it. Serenity's eyes widened in shock. The suitc

nally drained to form a reaction. Then Kaia's voice

ice into a semblance of calm. "Just a second, honey! Almost d

llar bill. It was enough for a taxi. She felt like a thief in her own house. Grabbing the mone

, a worried look on her face.

oice thick with emotion. "We're tak

ty's hand felt clammy in Kaia's, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for herself. How had she let

er and betrayal burning in her chest. The ride to school was a blur. Serenity stared out the window, her mind reeling. As

ommy," she said, her voice filled with innocence that Serenity wished she could bottle and keep forever. A

the words "87 Avenue Street" lea

. The thought of facing another day of Cole's wrath made her want to curl into a ball and never leave the safety of the couch. Her eyes fell on the coffee table,

ned the faded ink, the location of the hotel burned into her mind. Taking a deep breath, she walked upstairs to the bedroom and grabbed

her face, a cruel reminder of the cold reality she faced. he reached the bus stop, the wait feeling like an eternity. Two

h trembling hands. The screen blinked to life, showing a bunch of missed calls. Thirty from Cole. Thirty-four from her m

down the crowded sidewalk. Serenity opened maps on her phone and typed in the hotel's

tters. Her heart was racing, her thoughts a tornado of fear and anger. She took a deep breath, strai

d to talk to the receptionist. Serenity's hands trembled

felt a world away from any kindness. She took a deep breath, trying to gather her strength. "I'

ity felt a wave of nausea wash over her. She'd come so far, but now the reality of her situatio

" the receptionist offered, her tone s

over the keyboard, her eyes flicking from the screen to Serenity and back again. The room was

to the screen. Serenity rummaged in her purse, pulling out her ID. The woman studied it for a moment

," Serenity said, her voice sha

licker of curiosity crossing her face. "Than

ry second stretched into an eternity. Then, with a smile, the recep

oice was a mere whisper, hope and dre

ptionist replied. "He's ex

took the keycard, "But please, don't tell him I'm here. I want it to be a

ned. "How lovely! Certainly,

lence. The floor numbers lit up in a blur as she ascended to the eighth floor. The ride felt like an eternity, her thoughts racing with every floo

eaming on the door like a mocking eye. She inserted the keycard, the light t

s 'Forever Yours' scribbled in the middle. Serenity looked around the room, her heart feeling as though it was being crushed in a vice. The sight of the petals was a slap in the face, a

ards the closet, her heart racing like a wild animal in a cage. Yanking open the door, she squeezed inside, her back pressed a

rder. Dimming the screen to a barely noticeable glow, she clutched it tightly, ready to capture the p

sound of Cole's voice filled the room, followed by

h Serenity's soul as he stepped into the room with the woman, her v

he corner of the closet. The walls of the room seemed to close in on her, the heavy scent of Cole's cologne suffocating

lled the woman into a tight hug, but she could only see the woman's back. Serenity felt like a spe

reaking scene. She felt like a detective in a sad reality show, gathering evidence of a love that never truly existed.

hrough the tension. "Excuse

r the faint sound of water running in the bathroom. She peeked through

d the outline of the giant rose heart. Serenity's blood ran cold as t

ecognized the profile. It couldn't

ffair with the woman who had just moments ago been c

bling with a mix of anger and despair. Khalia, her own flesh and blood, the person she had confided in, the one who had promised to always stand by her side, was the other woman.

ital memory. This wasn't just proof of Cole's infidelity; it was a shocking revelation that would shat

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