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She Who Laughs Last

Chapter 10 Escape from Hell

Word Count: 2981    |    Released on: 05/10/2024

ayal that seared through her. Her body trembled against the hanging garments, the smell of Col

eant for her. Every intimate gesture was a dagger in her heart, twisting deeper with each passing moment. Serenity's hand clenched around her phone, her knuckles white wi

n the bedside table read 1:00 PM, and she knew she had to act before the world beyond the closet walls swallowed her whole. With trembling hands, she watched as

marriage, her cousin – all shattered into a million pieces. Her legs felt weak as she pushed herself

, she staggered towards the stairwell, the heavy door slamming shut behind her. The harsh fluorescent lights flickered above, ca

pping the cold metal railing. A sob escaped her lips, echoing through the stairwell. How co

e name 'Khalia' taunted her. She stared at it, her breath coming in ragged gasps. With a trembling finger, she declined the call. Tears str

bus stop; her legs weak. She didn't bother to wipe away her tear

lost in the treacherous waters of her shattered world. The bus pulled up, its engine purring. She stepped on, the doors hissing shut behind her. T

Taking a deep breath, she unlocked the door and stepped inside. The fami

d onto the bed, and slumped forward, burying her face in h

e screen, and a message that read, "Where are you, you stupid bitch, I need you to be home by the time I finished work

his time, something within her snapped. The dam of her emotions burst, and a torrent of anger and pain flooded through her. Her vision b

nd she threw the pillows across the room with a feral scream. Her eyes fell on the mirror above the dresser, reflecting the shattered image of a woman betrayed. Wi

heaving with sobs. Each breath was a battle, a fight to stay standing amidst the ruins of her marriage. The dresser drawers were nex

g faces mocking her. Serenity's hand reached out, trembling with rage, and she smashed it to the floor, the sound of shatt

ere, take Kaia, and never look back. As she threw open the door to the storage closet, her eyes fell upon an old suitcas

and Kaia's clothes, not bothering to fold them neatly. Each item was a declaration of her intention to leave, to esca

a boulder. She took a deep breath, trying to still the chaos in her chest. She zipped it shut, the sound echoing through the silent

printed towards the bus stop, the cold wind slapping against her face. The digital clock on the bus shelter read 2:03 PM. The bus pulled up, the doors opening with a his

stered on her face. Kaia skipped towards her. "Mommy!"

ckly, okay?" Serenity's voice was str

tilted her head, her e

's hand and practically ran to the bus stop. Reaching the bus stop, Serenity's heart sank. The familiar red bus had

cutting through her as they waited. "Mommy, are

mile. She knelt beside Kaia, trying to hide her trembl

thoughts racing. Every minute was a battle to keep the fear at bay, fear of what awaited her at home, fear of what she would say to Cole, fear of

e a rusty, beat-up bus finally pulled up, the engine coughing as it came to a stop. Serenity's heart was racing

close to 7:00 pm. Exhausted and emotionally drained, Serenity prayed with every fibre of her being that Cole wouldn't be home. Approaching t

past her lips,

your shoes, your jacket – keep everything on. Go straight to the kitchen, grab something to eat, and do not, under any c

heerful expression. Serenity's heart ached, but there was no

whispered, her voic

eetheart," Serenit

front door and stepped inside. The familiar scent of

d the room. "Serenity, wh

rt racing like a caged animal. The floorboards creaked under her weight, each step a silent scream of

des. The room was in disarray, their once beautiful marriage bed a battleground o

into slits. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides, a clear sign of his volatile temper. "Everyone's

er, his fury growing with every second of her silence. "You're going to answer me, bitch!" he roared, the room vibrating with

mirror and the debris scattered across the floor. Serenity could feel the blood rush

inger. "No, did you? Did you?" She whispered with

at the fuck did you just say to me?" His han

edding ring. "I said, did you lose your fucking mind?" she r

ole's eyes followed it, his jaw clenched tightly. A laugh, harsh and grating, laughter devoid of humour, burst

d with a rage she didn't know she possessed. "I've tolerated years of

etheart. You needed it." His hand swung back, ready to strike again, h

e?" she challenged, her voice shaking w

d in a mixture of shock and disbelief. For a mome

ning into Cole's as she stepped closer to him. The room seemed to shrink around them,

corded proof of his affair. "Every disgusting detail, your voice, hers...everything. Consider this my evidence

ting presence. But Cole wasn't finished yet. He lu

erenity's throat, his grip tightening as he squeezed the life out of her. Serenity's eyes bulged, her breathing

is grip tightening around Serenity'

s hand, trying to break free. Her nails dug into his fl

lging with fear and anger. With a surge of adrenaline, she managed to break free from Cole's iron grip,

the phone, his eyes wild with desperation. "You think you can expose me?" he ro

ed around the handle of the bedside lamp, and she swung it with all her might. The heavy base connected with Cole's head, c

ng Cole's contorted face. Serenity charged towards him and pushed him towards the wardrobe with all her might

she ran out of the bedroom. "Kaia, outside now!" she screamed, her voice hoarse from the chokehold. She could hear Cole's curses and the thunder of his footste

t her like a slap, jolting her back to reality. She opened Cole's small black car door, her trembling hands barely managing to fit the key in the i

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