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The Alpha's daughter

Chapter 4 N4

Word Count: 1957    |    Released on: 28/09/2024

scover herself, but also a visceral fear of what that would entail. **And in the silence of the stable, surrounded b

e, she had buried them deep within herself, avoiding them as one avoids an abyss. But that morning,

running among them, light and carefree, her bare feet treading the damp earth.** The wind caressed her face, carrying with it the laughter of the

but tender hands carrying her when she was a child, hoisting her onto his shoulders to show her the world from a higher perspective. "One day you will be up th

At his side, she felt invincible, protected by the unwavering love he had for her. He had taught her everyth

d out in his mind. At first, she had seen him as a caring uncle, a loyal advisor to her father. He was always there, in

to find her near the lake, where she liked to take refuge to think.** He sat next to her, silent for a long moment, before placing a hand on her shoulder. At the time, the ge

he had murmured, his tone sweet. "You will have to be stro

elt a chill, a silent alert that her instinct was trying to send to her. **She had ignored

pack village in a soft golden light. Jennifer had gotten up early, as usual, to train before joining her father for breakf

through the trees. **Jennifer immediately knew something was wrong, her heart tightening in h

blood.** Derek stood over him, a look of triumph distorting his features. **The shock left her paralyzed**, unable to

. **They had all participated, in one way or another, in this betrayal.** Horror overwhelmed her as

made her blood run cold. ** "You don't understand, Jennifer," he had said with false gentlenes

in her throat. **Tears flooded her cheeks as she fell to her knees beside her fath

ice getting harsher. "The pack needs a strong leader,

g loneliness that had engulfed her as she wandered alone in the forest, lost and aimless. The next few days had been a blur, his mind

r body, screaming her pain at the moon, feeling betrayed, abandoned.** It was in this cave that she had decided to never agai

y, each blow, each movement, a declaration of her will to live, to take revenge.** But behind this facade of st

prise her**, but it reignited an anger that she had tried to repress. Memories of her father, of D

eeks again. She felt like that broken girl again, lost in a forest o

her, a potential that she had long ignored. **Maybe he was right**. Perhaps she was meant for

but she could choose how she would face the future. And she knew now, with new certainty, tha

se the betrayal that had destroyed her life. It was only a matter of time

she was calculating. Each act of violence, each humiliation was carefully designed to break the spirit of the captives, to submit them to the will of their masters. But Je

nstead of plunging her into despair, this loss brought her a strange freedom. She was no longer bound by expectations, by the roles that

e had only encountered blank stares, bodies broken by years of servitude. They had all given up, accepting their fate without protest. This aroused in her a deep feeling

tall, sturdy man, his face disfigured by a scar that ran from his eyebrow to his chin. His eyes reflected a nameless cr

ike mud? » he spat, an evil

off his face, to show him that, despite everything they had done, she wasn't broken.

as fallen so low," she repl

pass through her, but she knew that this small triumph would not remain without consequences. **The man leaned down sharply, grab

eezing tighter. "But believe me, it won't las

up in her eyes**, but she blinked them back, refusing to show herself vulnerable in front of him.

not letting these monsters reduce her to a shadow of her former self. From that moment on, Jennifer decided to show them that s

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