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The Alpha's daughter

The Alpha's daughter

Dumas Sipi


Jennifer Smith was Alpha's daughter. His family was destroyed by traitors who came from within their pack. His mother died of illness; his father was murdered by Beta; and his pack has been busy. Alone and imprisoned, Jennifer escaped to the Dark River pack, where she was eventually enslaved. Although she was constantly abused and insulted, she never gave in or admitted defeat. His companion turned out to be Anthony Jones, the lycan prince of the Kingdom of Osman. Osman's kingdom ruled over all the packs. But the noble prince seemed to have a secret of his own. Jennifer's mighty power attracted the prince and she was soon brought to the royal training ground, where her destiny was changed forever. Hungry for revenge against those who destroyed her family, Jennifer gave herself body and soul to training. Would Prince Anthony refuse Jennifer because of her humble identity? What would happen to them on the training ground? What would she choose between love and hate? And what was the prince's secret

Chapter 1 N1


Breathless, legs trembling with effort, Jennifer glided through the shadows of the forest, every muscle in her body tense with adrenaline. The cold of the night bit into her skin, but she had no time to worry about it. The branches scratched her arms and face, but she ignored the pain, much less pain than the pain she had endured in her cell. The screams of the guards still rang in his ears, but they were gradually fading away, lost in the cacophony of the night.

She didn't know how she managed to escape. Everything was blurry, a succession of mixed images and sensations, like a feverish dream. The ringing of chains clashing, the metallic taste of blood on her lips, and then this sudden strength, this indomitable rage that had burst within her, giving her the strength to break her bonds, to free herself from the icy embrace. of his jailers. All she knew was that she had to flee, to get away from this hell that had been her prison for months.

The memory of her imprisonment was burned into her mind, a burden she carried with her with every step she took. Every day spent in this cell was torture, every hour agony. Her captors had shown no mercy, reducing her to a slave, abusing her relentlessly, seeking to break her will, to extinguish the flame that still burned within her. But they had failed. Despite the pain, despite the humiliation, Jennifer had held on, refusing to give in to despair.

The forest was dense, dark, but it offered a hiding place, a refuge from the darkness that pursued her. Jennifer knew she couldn't stop, not yet. She couldn't let fear overtake her, paralyze her. Every shadow, every rustle in the leaves made him grit his teeth, his heart beating wildly. But she didn't stop. His bare feet trod the ground with implacable determination, despite the pain of the stones digging into his flesh.

She suddenly stumbled, collapsing in a pile of dead leaves, panting. Fatigue overwhelmed her, but she forced herself to stand up, to continue. **She couldn't afford to weaken.** If she stopped now, if she let the pain and exhaustion take over, she knew she would never get back up. She had to move forward, find a place where she could hide, rest, at least for a moment.

The trees seemed to close around her, their branches twisting in the darkness, as if to protect her from prying eyes. The sky was overcast, obscured by heavy clouds that threatened to pour their rain on her. But for now, the night was silent, only the whisper of the wind in the leaves broke the oppressive tranquility. Jennifer went deeper and deeper into the forest, hoping that this sea of trees would hide her from the eyes of those who were looking for her.

The hours seemed to stretch into infinity, each minute a battle against the cold and fear. The moon, hidden behind the clouds, cast ghostly shadows across its path, transforming the forest into a maze of darkness. **Fatigue weighed on her like a lead weight**, but she continued to move forward, driven by fierce determination.

Suddenly, a crack made his heart jump in his chest. She froze, holding her breath. Had she been followed? Had the guards found her? The noise came from just a few meters away, something, or someone, was moving in the darkness. Jennifer peered into the darkness, all her senses alert, ready to react to the slightest sign of danger.

A figure finally broke away from the shadows, gradually revealing itself in the faint light filtering through the trees. It was a wolf, imposing and majestic, its eyes glowing strangely in the darkness. Jennifer felt her heart tighten. Wolves were omnipresent in this forest, but this one was not ordinary. **He seemed to be staring at her, as if he understood what she had just gone through**.

The two stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. The wolf didn't move, and neither did Jennifer. She could feel the power emanating from him, raw, savage strength. But instead of fearing her, she felt a bond forming between them, fragile but real, like a mutual recognition of their respective suffering. Finally, the wolf bowed its head slightly before walking away into the darkness, disappearing as suddenly as it had appeared.

Jennifer allowed herself to breathe again, her hands trembling. The wolf had disappeared, but she still felt his presence, like a protective shadow watching over her. This brief moment of connection had given him a little courage. She was not alone in this forest, even if everything seemed to want to overcome her.

She resumed her walk, her steps lighter, but still cautious. The forest finally opened up onto a small clearing, bathed in pale light. In the center, an old wooden cabin, half collapsed, stood there, like a vestige of another time. Jennifer approached cautiously, checking every nook and cranny before going inside. The cabin was dilapidated, but it offered shelter, a place where she could finally catch her breath.

She closed the door behind her, leaning against the cold wooden wall. The silence was almost overwhelming, broken only by the pounding of his heart. The cabin was empty, but a strange peace inhabited it, as if the walls still held memories of a past life, far from the suffering she had endured.

Jennifer sank to the ground, tears finally streaming down her cheeks. It was the first time she had allowed herself to cry in a long time, since she had been captured. **Those tears were a release, an outlet for all the pain and terror she had accumulated over the months.** Her sobs shook her body, but she didn't hold them back, finally letting her pain express itself freely .

The reality of her situation hit her hard. She was alone, lost in an unknown forest, with nowhere to go, with no one to turn to. His father, his mother, his pack... Everything had been taken away, destroyed by traitors who had betrayed their own blood. And now she was just a fugitive, hunted like a beast, trying to survive in a world that had taken everything from her.

But beneath this pain, something else emerged, a spark of determination. Jennifer knew she couldn't stay here forever, hiding in this abandoned cabin. She had to find a way to keep going, to get back up. Vengeance still burned inside her, fueled by every memory, every scar. She hadn't finished what she had to do yet.

Breathing short, she finally stood up, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. She couldn't let fear rule her. **She had to be strong, for herself, for those she had lost.** Her mission was not over, and as long as she had the strength to fight, she would continue. It was the promise she made to herself, a silent promise, made in the shadow of this abandoned cabin.

She stood up, mustering what was left of her courage. His gaze darted around the small room, searching for something, anything, that might be useful to him. His eyes fell on an old rusty knife, abandoned in a corner. She grabbed it, feeling the familiar weight of the weapon in her hand. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. A symbol, perhaps, of his desire to fight, to not give in.

The forest was silent now, as if holding its breath, waiting for what would come next. Jennifer knew this respite wouldn't last long. Her enemies were still hunting her, determined to find her. But she wouldn't let them win. Not this time.

She took one last look at the cabin before turning towards the forest, ready to face what awaited her. **His path was still long, scattered

There were no obstacles, but she would not back down.** She could not afford to falter. Every step she took brought her a little closer to her revenge, to justice for those she had loved.

And as she disappeared again into the darkness of the forest, the knife clenched in her hand, Jennifer couldn't help but think of this wolf who had watched her, of the quiet strength he had exuded. Maybe, she thought, she wasn't so alone after all.

The sun was just beginning to rise when Jennifer emerged from the forest, the golden rays piercing through the dense foliage. She hadn't slept a wink all night, walking tirelessly to put as much distance as possible between herself and her pursuers. The terrain beneath his feet became increasingly rugged, sparse trees giving way to rocky hills. She knew she was approaching the borders of another territory, but she had no choice but to continue. Her fatigue was eating away at her, her muscles were sore, but her survival instinct forced her to move forward.

Her clothes were in tatters, and she was covered in mud and dried blood. Her hair, once neatly styled, hung in dirty strands around her face, and her eyes, once so bright, were now dull, marked by deep dark circles. Jennifer looked like a shadow of her former self, but despite everything, her will remained intact. She was still fighting, even though her body seemed ready to betray her at any moment.

Suddenly she felt a presence, something threatening, as if she were being watched. Her instinct immediately alerted her, and she froze, holding her breath. **The shadows seemed to close in around her, and a palpable tension filled the air.** She was no longer alone. Jennifer knew her arrival in unfamiliar territory would attract stares, but she wasn't ready to deal with what she felt now. A low rumble echoed through the valley, a deep and terrifying sound, which made the young woman shiver.

Before she had time to react, they were there. Members of the Dark River pack appeared everywhere, dark and imposing silhouettes, blending into the landscape like predators hovering around their prey. They quickly surrounded her, forming a circle around her. Jennifer felt panic rising inside her, her heart pounding, but she tried to stay calm. She had to think, find a way to escape, but the chances were slim. They were too numerous, too powerful.

"What do we have here? » An icy voice broke the silence. A man stepped forward, breaking away from the group. He was tall, muscular, with a presence that betrayed his high rank in the pack. His eyes were a piercing, almost inhuman blue, and his smile, although polite, did not reach his eyes. "A stranger in our territory... It's not very prudent, don't you think? »

Jennifer didn't answer, just stared at him, trying to hide the fear that was gnawing at her. She knew she had no chance of fleeing. These men and women around her were wolves, seasoned predators, and she was only exhausted prey. However, she refused to show her weakness. She sat up as much as possible, despite the searing pain in her limbs.

"I don't want any trouble," she finally said, her voice hoarse after days of silence. "I'm just passing through. »

The pack leader burst out laughing, a joyless laugh that echoed in the chilly morning air. " Pass ? » he repeated, shaking his head. "Do you really think you can just cross our territory without paying the price? »

Jennifer knew her words were in vain, but she had no choice but to try. "Please, I'm alone...I'm not looking for conflict. »

But his words only accentuated the contempt in the man's eyes. He approached her, his heavy steps crushing the stones under his boots. "No one crosses Dark River without permission from our Alpha," he said, eyeing her. "And certainly not a fugitive, no matter how miserable she may be. »

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