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Kidnap the Billionaire's Heart

Kidnap the Billionaire's Heart

Dumas Sipi


The main plot of the book revolves around the complex relationship between Adam, an arrogant billionaire, and a young woman he neglected after a night spent together, without realizing the deep emotional consequences it would have on her. Two years after their meeting, the woman, injured and humiliated, puts in place a meticulous plan of revenge. She reintroduces herself into his life under a new identity, and manages to seduce him again, until he falls madly in love with her. As he prepares to marry her, she orchestrates a fake kidnapping to extort millions from him, revealing at the last moment that it was all part of her revenge. After taking his money, she disappears, leaving Adam devastated .

Chapter 1 N1

The sun was high in the sky, casting golden light through the panoramic windows of the huge top-floor apartment. The view of the city was breathtaking, but for Adam Carrington it no longer had any effect. The billionaire stood there, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, his steel blue gaze fixed on the horizon. His impeccable reflection in the window inspired him with only one thing: superiority. He considered himself untouchable, above others. And he was right. In his world, he reigned supreme.

Adam had everything a man could want: luxury cars lined up in a private underground garage, properties in the most expensive cities in the world, and a contacts book full of the most influential names on the planet. His wealth was not just about money; she was a power, a weapon that he used with finesse to control those around him. He didn't need anyone, except perhaps his team of lawyers to erase his mistakes, or his accountant to multiply his billions.

The phone vibrated softly on the glass table beside him. Adam slowly looked away from the view to take a look. It was a message from his assistant, reminding him of a business meeting in the next hour. A smirk appeared on his lips. It was not a simple meeting; it was an opportunity to absorb another enterprise, to play with the lives of others to increase one's own power. It was a game, and Adam Carrington was the undisputed champion.

He grabbed the glass of whiskey next to the phone, took a sip, and waved towards his assistant who had just silently entered the room.

"Mr. Carrington, your car is ready," the man in the gray suit announced soberly, lowering his eyes respectfully.

"Good," Adam replied without looking away. "Make sure everything is set up for the meeting this morning." I don't want any delays. »

The assistant nodded, leaving without another word. Adam allowed himself a sigh. These people... all insignificant. Puppets that he manipulated as he pleased. Why waste your time with formalities, civilities? This world belonged to predators, and he was at the top of the food chain.

He went down to his private garage where a Bentley Continental GT awaited him, gleaming under the artificial lights. The driver opened the door without a word, and Adam settled into the plush leather, savoring the luxury he considered natural. On the way to his office, the city passed before his eyes like a film he had already seen thousands of times. Anonymous passers-by, workers in a hurry, insignificant lives. Adam didn't understand these people. Why fight for crumbs when he had learned to own the whole pie?

Arriving in the tower that bore his name, Adam crossed the majestic hall. The employees lowered their heads as he passed. They knew he was not a man to tolerate failure or weakness. His reputation preceded him: ruthless in business, impossible to please. It wasn't a matter of disrespect, he thought, but rather a way of teaching others where their place was in the hierarchy of life.

"Mr. Carrington, the Madison Corp team has arrived," his secretary announced as he reached the threshold of the meeting room.

He nodded briefly, adjusted his jacket, and walked into the room. Behind the long table, representatives of the company he was about to buy waited nervously. Men in suits, looking tense, dark circles visible under their eyes. They knew what was going to happen, but they had no choice. Against Adam, they were mere pawns. Their business, their pride, their hard work, all of it had no value in his eyes. He was going to acquire it, dismantle what he deemed superfluous, and make even more profit from it. That was how he operated, without an ounce of compassion.

"Gentlemen," he said, taking a seat at the head of the table, his tone icy. "Let's do this quickly. I have other matters to attend to. »

The meeting went exactly as he had planned. None of them dared to really challenge his conditions. They were cornered, their business was on the verge of bankruptcy. They had to give in, and they knew it. When they finished, Adam offered them a warm smile, satisfied to see another victory added to his long list.

"You know where to find me if you have any further questions," he concluded, standing up without waiting for an answer.

On the way out, one of the partners awkwardly tried to thank him, speaking of a "new era" for their company under his leadership. Adam stopped for a moment, stared at him, then replied with a hint of contempt in his voice:

"This is not your business. Not anymore. »

The silence that followed was heavy with meaning. He did not need additional words to impose his authority. He left the room, leaving behind a group of destroyed men, but perfectly aware of their helplessness against him.

Back in his office, Adam sank into his leather chair. The office, vast and minimalist, was a reflection of his spirit: orderly, with no room for the superfluous. The bird's eye view of the city still hadn't changed, but this time it seemed even more distant. He stared at the horizon for a moment, then reached for his phone.

A new message, this time from a woman with whom he had spent the evening the day before. His name was already escaping him. Perhaps he had met her at a gala, or in one of those private clubs where he spent his evenings. Never mind. He had no intention of seeing her again.

The message, full of excessive familiarity, made him smile. How many times had he received these kinds of messages? Women desperate to get his attention, to attach themselves to him, when to him, they were only passing distractions.

He left the message unanswered. It was always like that with him. He would take what he wanted, then disappear without a word. He had neither the time nor the interest in lasting relationships, much less commitment. The game was to conquer, seduce, and leave before things got boring.

A knock at the door. His assistant entered again, a file under his arm.

"Sir, the documents for this morning's transaction. Your signature is required. »

Adam raised an eyebrow, but held out his hand without even looking at the contents. He signed quickly, dismissing his assistant with an impatient gesture.

The day was coming to an end, but for Adam, it was far from over. He would probably go out again tonight, meet more people, make more deals, and maybe seduce a new woman. It never changed. The routine of the man who had everything, but for whom nothing really had value.

As he stood up to leave his office, he had a fleeting thought, a rare introspection: why this feeling of emptiness, despite everything he had? But he quickly pushed her away, like he always did. These kinds of thoughts had no place in his mind.

He turned off the lights and left his empire of glass and steel, ready to continue his insatiable quest for conquest and success. To Adam Carrington, the world was just a playground, and he was determined to be king of it, whatever the cost.

Sarah stood in front of the huge mirror in her small dorm room, looking at her reflection with a smile that couldn't leave her lips. With her diploma in hand, she felt a wave of pride wash over her. After years of hard work, sleepless nights studying, and moments of doubt, she had finally done it. She had obtained her university degree in business management with honors. Her parents, sitting somewhere hundreds of miles away in their little country house, must have been just as proud of her. She could already imagine her mother's smile when she told her the news over the phone, the excitement in her father's voice who kept repeating to her: "We knew it, my daughter. We knew you would make it. »

Sarah turned, looking at the pile of books, files, and notebooks scattered across her desk. For a moment, she wanted to put them away, as if to close this chapter of her life. But she didn't do anything about it. Tonight, she wanted to celebrate. To leave aside seriousness, responsibilities, and enjoy this feeling of accomplishment. She had dreamed of this moment so much.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she walked over to her phone. Her childhood friend, Emma, had insisted that they go out together tonight. "We have to celebrate this properly! » she told him with the boundless energy that characterized her. Sarah didn't go out often, let alone go to bars, but tonight was special. She wanted to mark this milestone, turn the page on her years of sacrifice, and take a moment for herself.

"So, are you ready for tonight? I'll pick you up in an hour! ", she read on the screen, Emma's message made her smile even more.

Sarah was quick to respond, "Of course! I'm getting ready. »

She walked towards her small wardrobe, her heart pounding with new excitement. Tonight she wanted to feel beautiful, to feel different. She looked for her favorite dress, the one she had only worn a few times. It was a simple but elegant dress, black, which gave her that self-confidence that she sometimes had difficulty finding. She wore it, arranged her hair into a casual bun, and applied light makeup. Nothing too fancy, but just enough to emphasize her delicate features.

Looking at herself one last time in the mirror, she felt ready. It wasn't just a night of celebration, it was the start of a new adventure. She had dreams in her head. For years, she had imagined herself climbing the ranks in a large company, becoming an accomplished businesswoman, perhaps even launching her own company one day. Everything was possible now. She finally had the key to open these doors.

A few minutes later, she heard a knock at the door. Emma entered the room, full of energy as usual. " Wow!" But look at you! You look stunning! », she exclaimed, taking her in her arms.

Sarah burst out laughing. "Thanks, you too!" »

Emma looked her up and down, amused. "Tonight we're going to tear it up! We deserve to have fun, especially you. So, ready? »

"Ready!" "Sarah replied, the excitement building more and more.

The two friends left the apartment and went down the street, arm in arm. The evening was mild, a light breeze caressed their faces, and the sky was tinged with shades of pink as the sun disappeared over the horizon. The atmosphere was perfect, as if the universe was conspiring to make this evening memorable.

They took a taxi to a fancy bar downtown that Emma had been talking about for weeks. "You'll see, it's the perfect place for an evening like this. The cocktails are to die for and the music... just right! »

Sarah, although not used to this kind of place, felt strangely excited. She knew this evening would be different from any she had experienced before. And for the first time in a long time, she let herself be carried away by the idea of simply enjoying the present moment, without worrying about what tomorrow might bring.

The taxi dropped them off in front of the bar, illuminated by colorful neon lights. The queue at the entrance made it clear that it was a popular place, but Emma, always resourceful, managed to get them in quickly.

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