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Perilous Liaison

Perilous Liaison

Dumas Sipi


Logan Carter is an attractive, muscular man who leads a double life. By day, he is a personal trainer popular with the elite, while by night, he transforms into a luxury escort for wealthy and influential women. Among his clients is Camilla Donovan, a powerful and manipulative woman, who falls under his spell and decides to consider him as her personal property. Logan's life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Emily, a mysterious, sweet and enigmatic client. She awakens in him feelings that he had never known before. As he tries to juggle his budding desires for Emily with the strict rules he has imposed on himself in his life as an escort, Camilla becomes jealous and possessive.

Chapter 1 N1

Logan Carter stood in front of the huge bay window of the apartment where he had just finished his workout with one of his regular clients. The afternoon sun bathed the room in light, and his thoughts wandered as he watched the city spread out before him. He had always found it fascinating to contemplate this jungle of steel, concrete and glass. She reminded him how chaotic, unpredictable life could be, much like his own.

Logan wasn't just a simple personal trainer. Certainly, this was the part of his work that everyone knew, the part he showed proudly, the part that made him a respected man in certain circles. But he had another life, a very different life, which took place after nightfall.

He grabbed his gym bag and took one last look at his client, who was struggling to catch his breath after an intense session.

- Good job today, Mark, he said as he approached the door. See you on Thursday?

- Yeah, yeah, Mark replied between panting breaths, you killed me, but it was necessary. Thanks, Logan.

A smile appeared briefly on Logan's face, but his mind was already elsewhere. He knew that within a few hours, he would no longer be that personal trainer, dedicated to transforming bodies and motivating his clients to perform at their best. No, once night came, he became someone else.

He returned home, a modern and refined apartment, where everything seemed to be in its place. There was nothing to indicate the type of life he led once the sun disappeared. Logan knew how to keep up appearances. His phone vibrated on the coffee table, calling him to order. He grabbed it and quickly read the message that appeared on the screen. It was his agent.

"Tonight, same place. 9 p.m. Regular customer. Camilla. »

A sigh escaped his lips. Camilla Donovan. He knew her well. Too good, perhaps. She was one of his most demanding clients, a woman who knew what she wanted and tolerated no half-measures. Every encounter with her was a power play, a dangerous dance between domination and submission, between desire and control.

Logan knew what to expect, but that didn't stop him from feeling a little apprehensive every time he had to meet her. She had this gift of destabilizing him, of breaking down the barriers he tried to maintain. But it wasn't attraction. No, it was something else, something darker, deeper.

He glanced at the clock. He had a few hours before he had to get ready for the evening. He took advantage of this respite to take a shower, letting the hot water flow over his muscular body, washing away the accumulated fatigue of the day. His muscles were tense, his mind already focused on the night to come.

He put on a tailored suit, one that showed off every curve of his body. Camilla appreciated refinement and luxury, and Logan always made sure to meet her expectations. He knew that in this world, it was all about appearance, about control.

He left his apartment a little before 9 p.m., leaving behind the image of the professional personal trainer. He was no longer Logan Carter, the man with the respectable job and daytime hours. He became Logan, the luxury escort, the one that powerful and influential women coveted.

Arriving at the hotel, a five-star establishment where every meeting took place, he crossed the lobby without paying attention to the curious looks of the other guests. He knew the rules. He wasn't there to attract attention. Just to do his job.

Camilla was already waiting for him in the private suite that she systematically reserved. The door opened slowly to a familiar sight. There she was, sitting in a leather armchair, a glass of champagne in hand, her legs crossed elegantly. Her piercing green eyes immediately fell on him, a satisfied smile playing on her impeccably painted red lips.

- Logan, she whispered, getting up slowly, as if every movement was calculated, orchestrated. Always on time.

He nodded without saying a word, used to her little game of seduction. Camilla was beautiful, incredibly beautiful, but above all she exuded a raw power, an overwhelming confidence that would have intimidated many. But not Logan. Not tonight.

She approached slowly, her heels clicking softly on the floor. She handed him the glass of champagne she had in her hand, and he accepted it, although he knew full well that he would only take a sip out of politeness.

- You've had a long day, I assume? she asked, although the question seemed more rhetorical than anything else.

- A day like any other, Logan replied, looking her straight in the eyes.

Camilla liked to test the limits. She liked to know how far she could push the men around her. Logan had learned to play this game, to enter his world without ever really getting lost in it. At least, that's what he tried to tell himself.

- Tonight, I want you to stay a little longer, she whispered, her finger gently brushing the sleeve of his suit. I've had a tough week, and I need to relax. I want... more of you.

He felt a slight tension rising within him. He knew she wasn't just talking about time. Camilla never did anything halfway. She always wanted more. More attention, more control, more power.

- You know I don't mix business and feelings, he replied calmly, a subtle reminder of the boundaries he had set for himself.

She raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and amusement in her eyes.

- Feelings? Logan, let's see. It's just a matter of pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less.

He lightly squeezed the glass of champagne in his hand, aware that this moment could become much more complicated if he didn't play his cards correctly. Camilla was powerful, and a mistake with her could have repercussions.

- Very well, he said finally, complying with the rules of the game. What do you want, Camilla?

She smiles, satisfied. She moved even closer, until she felt his breath on her skin.

- Tonight, Logan, you are mine.

It was always like this with her. A game of control, of domination. A game in which Logan knew he had to remain careful, otherwise he would get lost in the nets of this formidable woman.

He took another sip of champagne, knowing full well that the night was just beginning, and that the real issues, those that would define the rest of his life, were perhaps already being played out.

Logan knew that Camilla would never settle for a simple arrangement, a date like any other. When she contacted him for what she called an "exclusive contract", he had expected something more than the usual polite exchanges and games of seduction. Camilla never asked without already having a well-laid plan in mind, and he was aware of it. This exclusivity would be different.

The proposal arrived the day after their last meeting. Barely awake, Logan saw a message from his agent, asking him to call Camilla back as quickly as possible. A shiver of annoyance ran down his spine. The day before, she had spoken to him about a possible more regular contract, but he had not expected her to take action so quickly. He still remembered her words, the way she had looked at him, with this disturbing intensity.

"Logan, you're different," she had whispered, her fingers brushing his jaw line, "I want you to be mine." »

At the time, he had simply smiled, believing it was another one of her attempts to make him uncomfortable. But clearly, she wasn't joking. Looking at the message, he noticed that she had already taken the first steps to make the agreement official.

Logan called his agent, James, who confirmed the news.

- Camilla wants to see you exclusively for the next six months. She is ready to pay a huge amount. You will no longer have to accept any other clients during this period, of course.

Logan hesitated. It was a tempting proposition, he couldn't deny the financial attraction. But the idea of finding himself linked solely to Camilla for six months was already weighing on him. It was intense, demanding, and he had the impression that the more he entered its orbit, the more he risked losing a part of himself.

- I'll think about it, he replied cautiously.

James raised an eyebrow, although Logan could only imagine him on the other side of the line.

- Honestly, Logan, what's there to think about? This woman is offering you more than you could earn in two years. It gives you time to breathe, to concentrate only on her and your training during the day. Seems like the dream, right?

- Maybe, but... this woman is different. She is not satisfied with the basic agreement. She has a kind of... need for control that is beyond comprehension.

James laughed softly.

- This is exactly what she pays you for. It's a game for her, a power game. And she found the perfect adversary in you. Don't take it personally.

Logan nodded without much conviction. Not taking Camilla personally? It was much easier said than done. She had this way of penetrating his thoughts, pushing him to push his limits, always a little further. But he couldn't lie to himself. The offer was too good to refuse.

He finally accepted.

**Later that week** they had their first date under the terms of the new contract. Camilla had insisted that they meet in a different, more intimate setting. She had booked a suite in an even more luxurious hotel than usual, a place where opulence seemed to be the only criterion. The walls were lined with silk, the chandeliers twinkled like captured stars, and the smell of precious wood filled the air.

Logan arrived at the suite around 8 p.m., dressed accordingly, his black suit fitted perfectly, his white shirt contrasting with his lightly tanned complexion. The tension in his body was palpable. He knew that Camilla had carefully orchestrated every detail of the evening.

She was waiting for him, as usual, with a drink in her hand. Tonight she wore a deep blue, almost black dress, which hugged her curves with maddening precision. Her blonde hair fell in cascades over her shoulders, and her eyes shone with a light that Logan knew too well: that of possession.

- Logan, she said softly, getting up to join him. Still so elegant.

- Camilla, he replied with a slight smile, while observing her gestures. I imagine you organized this evening with great care.

She smiled, a sparkle in her eye, and nodded slightly.

- Every detail is important, she whispered, letting her finger slide along the buttonhole of his suit. I wanted you here tonight to remind you what an exclusive contract with me means.

He frowned, slightly amused but also intrigued.

- So remind me, what does that mean?

Camilla smiled again, but this time her gaze was deeper, more intense.

- That means you're mine, Logan. During these six months, you don't look at anyone else. You only care about me. I don't share, I don't tolerate any distractions.

Logan felt a shiver run down his spine. It wasn't just about meetings or dates here. Camilla saw way beyond that. She wanted to control him, not only his time, but maybe even his thoughts, his desires. She sought to possess him, in a much broader sense than he was accustomed to.

- And what do I gain from this arrangement? he asked, trying to regain control of the situation.

Camilla moved even closer, so close that he could smell her captivating scent, a blend of jasmine and sandalwood.

- What's in it for you? she whispered. I'll make you live a life you can't even imagine. I offer you the exclusivity of my world. And believe me, Logan, few men have been so lucky.

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