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Alpha's Second Chance Luna

Alpha's Second Chance Luna

Dumas Sipi


Orphan and best friend of the hero since childhood, harbors a secret love for him. When he is crowned alpha, they share a night of passion, but he discovers his destined mate the next day and chooses her as his luna , breaking the heroine's heart. Pregnant with triplets, the heroine leaves the pack to blend into the human world, where she becomes a doctor while raising her children.

Chapter 1 N1

Stella Morgan looked at her reflection in the mirror, nervously adjusting a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. Tonight was special. Not only would the pack crown the new alpha, but it was also a night that marked a turning point in the life of his best friend, Lucas. Stella was not just a member of the pack. Orphaned from a young age, she had been raised by a loving foster family, but always with this feeling of incompleteness. Lucas and his family had accepted her from day one, becoming the source of comfort and stability she had always sought.

Looking at the blue dress she had chosen for the evening, Stella couldn't help but think back to all the moments she spent with Lucas. They had grown up together, shared laughter, secrets, and dreams. However, deep in her heart, Stella had always carried a crush on him, a secret love that she had never dared to confess, for fear of ruining their precious friendship.

"You look beautiful, Stella," said Emilie, her close friend, entering the room with a bright smile. "Lucas won't know what hit him tonight. »

Stella blushed and looked down. "Stop, Emily. It's his evening, not mine. I just want to be there to support him. »

Emilie narrowed her eyes, skeptical. "Don't lie to me. I've known you long enough to know that you're hoping for more than just friendship tonight. »

Stella sighed deeply. "Okay, you're right. I love her, Émilie. I've loved it for as long as I can remember. But he only sees me as a friend. »

Emilie placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You'll never know if you don't tell him. Tonight could be your chance. »

The heroine nodded, her thoughts swirling as she made her way to the great hall where the coronation ceremony was to take place. The air was filled with the palpable excitement of the pack members, all eager to see their new leader take his rightful place. The room was decorated with fairy lights and flowers, and music floated gently in the air, creating a magical ambiance.

Lucas stood in the center of the room, dressed in a sleek black suit that highlighted his imposing stature and natural charisma. His piercing blue eyes darted through the crowd, seemingly searching for someone. When his eyes met Stella's, he gave her a bright smile, making her heart beat a little faster.

The ceremony began with the pack elders reciting the rites and traditions, each word ringing through the room with solemn gravity. Lucas knelt before the altar, ready to accept his responsibilities as alpha. Stella couldn't help but feel immense pride for him, while battling the wave of sadness that washed over her at the thought of never being able to share his true feelings.

When the ceremony ended, the party began. The music grew louder, and the pack members began dancing and celebrating. Stella, trying to hide her conflicting emotions, joined in the festivities, laughing and dancing with her friends. However, her mind couldn't get away from Lucas, and she felt a growing nervousness about speaking to him.

At some point during the evening, Lucas joined her, a warm smile on his lips. "Are you having fun? » he asked, placing a friendly hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, a lot," she replied, trying to keep her tone light. "I'm so proud of you, Lucas. You will be an incredible alpha. »

"Thank you, Stella. That means a lot to me, coming from you. » He looked at her with an intensity that made her heart beat faster. "Come on, let's go outside. I need to get some fresh air. »

They walked out together, the night breeze cooling their faces. They walked in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the quiet of the night. Finally, Lucas stopped and turned to face her. "Stella, you know you mean a lot to me, right? »

She nodded, trying to hide the emotion in her eyes. "And you for me, Lucas. More than you can imagine. »

He stared at her, as if trying to read her soul. "There's something I need to tell you," he said finally, his voice trembling with emotion. "For years, I've wondered if I should tell you how I feel. I love you, Stella. Not just as a friend, but as much more. »

Stella's heart skipped a beat. "Lucas, I..." She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. " I love you too. Always. »

Lucas smiled, a smile that melted the last barriers of his doubts. He moved closer to her, their faces so close she could feel his breath on her skin. "So tonight we start something new," he whispered before kissing her gently.

Their kiss was tender and passionate, filling the air with a warmth that surpassed that of the night. They held each other, finally feeling the truth of their feelings released. The evening faded around them, leaving only two souls united by love and destiny.

They eventually retreated to a small clearing, where the soft grass and starlight created a cocoon of peace and privacy. There, under the night sky, they made love for the first time, uniting their hearts and minds in the deepest way possible. Every touch, every kiss was a promise of the future they would share.

Later, as they lay together, arms wrapped around each other, Stella felt a wave of happiness and tranquility wash over her. For the first time in a long time, she felt complete, as if all the pieces of her puzzle had finally found their place.

"I can't believe this is real," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder.

"It's real, Stella. And this is just the beginning. » Lucas held her a little tighter, silently promising to always be there for her.

But even in this moment of pure happiness, a small voice in the back of Stella's mind warned her. She knew that life in the pack was full of challenges and surprises, and that the future would not be without obstacles. Yet, with Lucas by her side, she felt ready to face whatever came.

As dawn began to break on the horizon, they rose, ready to return to the party and face the world with new determination.

The sun rose slowly, bathing the forest in a peaceful golden light. Stella slowly opened her eyes, snuggling closer to Lucas. The previous evening seemed almost unreal to her, a dream she never wanted to leave. She smiled as she felt his steady breathing and the warmth of his body against hers. However, deep in his heart, a little voice warned him that this fragile happiness might not last.

Lucas stirred slightly, emerging from his sleep with a tired but happy smile. He looked at Stella tenderly, gently caressing her cheek. "Hello, sleeping beauty," he whispered, his eyes shining with affection.

Stella smiled, feeling incredibly lucky to have this moment. "Hello," she replied, blushing slightly. "It was a perfect night. »

They lay together for a moment, enjoying the tranquility of the morning. But quickly, the reality of the day caught up with them. Lucas stood up first, stretching and looking at the clock with some hesitation. "I have to return to the pack. There are still many things to organize after the ceremony. »

Stella nodded, feeling a slight pang of sadness at the thought of their impending separation. " I understand. I'm going home too. We'll see each other later. » They exchanged one last kiss before separating to return to their respective responsibilities.

Back in her room, Stella lost herself in thought, replaying every moment of the previous night in her mind. She felt a new confidence in herself and in her future with Lucas. However, she couldn't shake the lingering worry that nestled deep in her heart.

A few hours later, as Stella was getting ready for the day, she heard a knock on her door. It was Émilie, her close friend, with a concerned look on her face. "Stella, I need to talk to you," she said as she entered.

Stella felt immediate tension. "What's going on, Emily? »

Emilie took a deep breath before speaking. "It's Lucas. He found his destined mate this morning. »

Stella felt the ground slip beneath her feet. " What ? But..." Words failed him, and a sharp pain shot through his heart. "How... How is this possible? »

Emilie took her hand, trying to comfort her. "I'm sorry, Stella. He didn't know it before. She arrived this morning to congratulate him, and as soon as they saw each other, the connection was evident. »

Stella sank into a chair, her head in her hands. "It's so unfair," she whispered, feeling tears welling up. "After everything we shared last night..."

Emilie squeezed his hand tighter. " I know. But he has to make a decision now, and it will affect the entire pack. »

The heroine knew she had to face Lucas, but she dreaded the confrontation. Gathering all her courage, she headed towards the great hall, where the pack often gathered for important announcements. The atmosphere was tense, with members murmuring among themselves, anticipating what Lucas was going to say.

When she entered, Lucas was already there, standing at the front, his face serious. Beside him stood a beautiful young woman, with blonde hair and piercing green eyes. She radiated a natural aura of confidence and grace, everything Stella wasn't feeling at that moment.

Lucas looked up and saw Stella. His expression changed from determination to visible pain. He took a deep breath before speaking. "Members of the pack, this is Helena. She is my destined companion. »

A murmur ran through the assembly. Stella felt her heart break into a thousand pieces. She wanted to scream, to protest, but she forced herself to remain silent, her eyes fixed on Lucas. He continued, his voice trembling. "As an alpha, I have to think about the stability and strength of our pack. Therefore, I decided to choose Helena as my luna . »

Lucas' words resonated like a clap of thunder in Stella's head. She struggled to hold back tears, her world collapsing around her. She could no longer hear anything of the discussions that followed, the background noise becoming an indistinct fog.

After what seemed like an eternity, the meeting ended and the members began to disperse. Lucas approached her, his face marked with pain and confusion. "Stella, I'm so sorry. I didn't want it to happen like this. »

She looked up, trying to find words to express what she felt. "Lucas, I... I understand. This is your destiny, and I cannot stop it. » But despite his words, the pain in his voice was evident.

He reached out to touch her arm, but she instinctively backed away. "I have to go, Lucas. I can't stay here and see you with her. »

Lucas looked devastated. "No, Stella, please. Don't go. We will find a way to..."

"About what, Lucas? she interrupted, tears flowing freely now. "To live as if nothing happened? I love you, and seeing you with her would be too painful. »

Lucas lowered his head, unable to come up with an answer. "Please, Stella..."

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