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Baby Pitcher's Trials / Little Pitcher Stories


Word Count: 1372    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he bait was undisturbed. He was glad not to meet Jack (who had been and gone); but he was not a little disappointed about the musk-rat. He began to cherish hard feelings to

nday, and Monday was so far off! He declared that he could not wait till Monday. But there was no help for it. The hours were not at all disposed to humor his impatience. They moved along at their usual slow pace, and wore away minute by minute, as was their custom. But they brought Monday morning at last. He rose early, and set out in quite a hopeful mood; but as he walked, his spirits began to flag. The neare

t to say to that

, panting and blowing equal to Jack himself,

got to say to

y, too! Such dark fur! And such a length of smooth, hairless tail! Bertie was delighted; and though the musk-r

worth looking a

uster!" sa

trapped this season. You won't catch n

is ali

take much to finish him. He would show fight

to kill him,

d a fair squ


ong settling

ith a stone, and after a few

den he didn't know what

he shiv

the heart's a-beating. They are dead all the s

said Bert

oing of it whi

how him u

st. What would Charley say to musk-rat catching now? He himself had never dreamed of luc

e a-dodging off without making re

t the trap agai

s the

, and I am satisfied with

lending of it

ou can keep it as

ame place, jest for luck. I say, don't you

t he could ma

kward job, if you

it will," s

ead. I don't mind showin

to get home with his prize. He could not stop to talk about anything, for Charley

umstances. He allowed the game to speak for itself. At first Charley was inclined to doubt that it was caught in Bertie's trap; but Bertie

hands, for now she was to have all the 'fumery she wanted. It lay at full length on the piazza, un

dy, as the children rushed in an

never can breathe with a creetur like tha

look at it, Grandm

rap," add

did not carry the creetur out. So to please Grandma they carried it out and laid it on


reetur. La! how natural it does seem. I remember once he took to killing black cats. He fetched home as many as twenty altogether, and their skins, str

Charley. "I wish we knew the easiest way

ver was no hand

id Amy. "Of course Gr

through before school time," said Bertie. "That is, if G

imply to please her darlings. "Never mind staying longer on my


he window, to shut out, if poss

ack's offer," Bertie said to Charley


o skin the f

that job," s

so ca

h understood, and i

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