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Baby Pitcher's Trials / Little Pitcher Stories


Word Count: 1280    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

epared to commence operations, C

inside of the hind

leave off; but the thing is to do it nea

began to cut. He made a long sli

both alike,"

atching the operation

way. You are a bad boy. Charl

arms, resting upon the fence. He tried to call Flora off; but she flew at Jack with

and his feet. I looked under the table. He hadn't any clothes o

dark, grimy skin. Bertie was sorry for him. He hastened to open the gate and bid him come in, a movement that astonished Flora. She had not ano

ndly, trying to make Jack comfortable. "Walk right along

as well known. There had been a pleasant doubt in his mind before. He had always said to himself, "They

long," he answered, sheepishly; "and now I am here, I

id Bertie, passing the knife. Jack felt

ne to begin wi

ou, t


es, I

lly that in a few minutes legs and arms were free, and th

h of a beauty, come to

my. "What a net-work of blue

ith rivers running all

he shin

d up the e

and he wears the best of cloth too. Custom made, and no dan

t call that a ga

boots included. He did not carry a

h," said

Jack do

sk, and he passed them to Bertie, with the remark

xclaimed Charley, exa

re. I suppose the 'fu

ittle mis


them bags," said Jack, "to drive

ed on a board to dry, and, after receiving hearty thanks for his timely assistance, Jack left the garden, feeling much better satisfied with himself than when he entered it. He felt that he had shown his good will, and tha

every one," said Bertie, "

id Amy, quickly. "Have y

lways looked upon Jack

," confess

declared Amy,

s to stand up for a

irls in general, and o

ut she was down on me when the po


ct. I leave

k me," sa

were truly eloque

s eloquent

never f

ver I may be, I am not a geniu

ly dab at yo

poetry lately," sai

has gone out," said Bertie. "

gs at present. Can I

time," observed Amy, with

rtie, who knew that Charley

ry. Amy was obliging, and Charley not backward in asking favors, so the lean and

all back. I am as good a friend to Jack as she is, but I ca

r away in time

k? He has a bigger lump in his throat than you have, a

old blood, but he is sorry for it, and would bring him to life again if he co

rmured Charley, in an un

everely. "He would be rather a respectable boy, if he was

said C

rious misfortune, which might happen to anybody.

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