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The Ruthless Billionaire, Australian Bachelors

Chapter 2 AS MY WIFE

Word Count: 1237    |    Released on: 20/10/2024

point o

f his jaw. "I have a suggestion. Once he had no hesitatio

e tinged with wariness. I'm n

d down into my seat until Eric releas

ttle you

ave me a categorical no. "Or accept

the icy chill feathering

is at risk. Your bequeathed half-share is projected in

dney and assume directorship, will disa

agree, Michael intended for h

cumulated immense wea

ment of that size to slip through

Sydney. It wasn't a questi

ily, pausing as the waiter removed their plates and

ential for the future of the

d be only


er of persuasion. Something he was particularly noted for in the business

an attempt to achieve in death what he hadn't be

vining the wariness evident, the faint c

e are transferred into your bank

ght of my liability to the loan shark was se


outstanding bills are paid, any temporary r

ain course. I didn't speak u

s. An instinctive wariness began t

s mortgage-debt, and cover

a catch. A pri

re? Too few, I acknowledged sil

ask. In ret

his voice held an edge of mock

blue fire. "A

sed, and at that mome

.what? I


er of speech, and I felt the

I began shakily, it'

y eyes dilated and became dark, my slightly p

d at last. The concept was ludi

Eric assured

heart-wrenching cry fro


e to get it, and even then

rate are signed in trust to the issue of ch

ulties, and ultimately cause the conglomer

t happen if you and I wed each other and the childre

tie up a few loose ends and keep everything in

hat bot

ing a "loose end"

slowly. Aiming to be cool, calm, and collected proved

ent marriage? I was on a ro

lifted a shoulder in a negligible shrug. "An enviable lifestyle. Children, ev

till, like a predat

r offer to transfer funds. My voice sh


barely restrained the urge to

anger as they collided with his, and it took all

ought and

at my summation, and his gray eye

e, and I battled against the

help tha

Eric warned and dangerous sill

uth? Yet the fact

t me to me

eature on the same

in spirit and attitude to become the fiercely in

d almost out, could still

in his chair. "Th


e Devil...or t

no co

ice stiff with latent anger. When do

n be arranged, by

t s

nt paperwork involved in your d

o mercenary, but sh

ur bank tomorrow. The balance is authorized immediately

elf bitterly, with no sentiment

chin lifted a little and my eye

staurant. It was my pride and joy

restaurant as an investment, he allowed equably.

trouble regulat


u h

and she barely resisted the temptation to tell

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