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The Ruthless Billionaire, Australian Bachelors

Chapter 3 AS A LOVER

Word Count: 1394    |    Released on: 20/10/2024

point o

oice prompted i

walked away from him. What pri

ge doesn't have

e him an

I walk away fr

scenario w

t me to give you


feet. 'Oh hell, now. Staff were at a minimum, and I could ill af

xtracted his wallet, and pa

quickly. 'I ca

you w

car would reach my destination mo

of-the-range black Lexus, saw me seated, then slid in behi

s and restaurants, and I directed

card with his mob

xpect y

, then sped quickly down a side alley to the

, donned my chef's uniform, tied an apron, wound the leng

s in the kitchen, with delays and short tempers as t

ing reservations, welcoming patro

ss, and both girls had been with me f

ally dedicated to the success

tayed on to help me battle through the f

, as Ruby lifted chairs onto tab

hought, except in fleeting moments which in no way enco

oing to dea

y, and the way it affected me. His sexual partn

nter the equation,

e with him

h increased speed in an attemp



r option

tity? Contact the police and repo

er of those scen

part of my nature t

an enviable lifestyle, an

broke and make it a thousand...

was the

ter of emotional

ected me like no o

ent of introduction, almost frightened and aw

ad lingered long and a

brief relationship or two...but no one'

it, we

t, and I switched off the vacuum cleaner, stowed it in

o make a

e here, a phone booth, or the phone

and wait, Ruby directed

no female staff are left

crossed to the phone, all too aware the nerves

my breath as I keyed in a wro

, Alexander, in a voice that sounded deep

entified my

eached a

he occasion for small talk,


gripped the phon


how I expected

h relevant details. There was

he'd cut the connection, and my fingers tigh

d have acknowled

t voice chastised.


t did

of husband accelerated my pulse and

er it! He's just a man, like a

ion of his erotic kiss... Worse, the oral foreplay he'd met

he be like

. At least not

to go down that path, I'd n

nk too deeply..

nal doors, set the alarm, lock up, then pu

in tandem before walking brisk

nd collected my bag, then I sig

I should have made to the loan shark, begging for a further twenty-four ex

region of my stomach as I checked t

extension ran

lain, and give Eric's name as verif

ards their station, and as they disembarked I had t

alubrious streets where numerous bedsits and boarding houses exi

ia the front entrance, and I extracted the requ

t there was none, and a second later a male figure appeared out of nowhere, a hard hand

t made me pass out as the man's f

tomorrow. Or else.

ou've got t

rip, and then he released me and disappeared outside the fr


gnized a male tenant, and tried t



to call

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