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Hayslope Grange / A Tale of the Civil War


Word Count: 2197    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

venience of the family, but never troubled herself to consider their wants or necessities, and brought up her niece Mary upon the same principle. Maud appeared to be of a similar o

an old woman whom she knew Harry had often befriended. She inquired at the blacksmith's shed for Dame Coppins, but was surprised by the man coming to the doo

in some surprise, patting Cav

r Harry Drury to the Parliament wars, as though th

n did not send Harry aw

es," said the man. "If I had but known it then I'd hav

whether Harry had been under Satanic influence. At length she said, "I should like

st she send thee after him," said t

til the man added, "Nobody will ever hear aught of Master Harry a

narrow lane close by, which the blacksmith observing, said, "Now, you may be sure mistress, that the old witch

lane, Maud scarcely knowing what to make of the proceeding. After trotting about half a mile he paused, and then turned in at a

aloud, determined not to move from her seat, and try

ling out. She was in the presence of the witch herself, and, with a cry of horror, Maud dropped the reins and covered her face with her hands. Finding the witch did not attempt to drag her into the house, now


said, "You have come to tell me about Master Harry Drury?

yet an idea had entered her head that Cavalier could see Harry in the

as calmly as she could. "I have not seen him these three days," she went on, "and sorely have I missed him, for n

he read to yo

hree days, for it is sore hard to believe I sha'n't hear his voice again." Tears choked the old woman here, and Maud, qu

he's gone away?"

n her eyes now. "We don't kno

u; but it will be worse for me, I tro

ere was nothing remarkable in this book, she knew, for she recognised it as an old one of Harry's, which they ha

old woman begged for a few verses more about the

mes," murmured the old woman; "and if I

nd see you again,"

"It'll be all over soon; I cou

are not ill, are-at least, not very ill-

le yet, for I'm strong when I'm well; but the people hereabout say I am a

did they do to you?" for she had l

, but there was not enough water to drown me. They'd have done it before if Master Harry had not been my protector, but now he is gone not

t be afraid," she said. "I will pro

"You can't do it, they are coming again to-night," she said, "and the ill-usage will kill

to Master Drury at once and tell him about it," and without wait

e a group of soldiers, who made way for her to pass, b

n Master Harry Drury Mis

attack on Dame Coppins, I trow!" said t

d, forgetting all else, turned to the soldiers and

ady. "It was near by the gate of London," he said. "Our leader, Ca

ich she was likely to lose for ever if not in time to hear it given to Master Drury. Captain Stanhope and his troopers had been to Hayslope before, and the

soon as Cavalier had been left to Roger she went in search of that gentleman. But he was not in the study or the kee

creen that sheltered the arbour from the garden, when she heard voices close by, an

answered Master

ertainty about this was set aside by Master Drury's next words. "He has disgraced the family nam

eing I knew not wherefore he was jou

her ears, and rapidly walked away in a tumult of pas

me and sit down at her wheel with them. Passing up to her own room, she took out some warm wraps, and then went round to the stable in

d woman by her presence. She was likewise anxious to tell her of this fresh danger threatening Harry, for she was

Word, for she herself had tasted sorrow and learned their power. Then they fell into a conversation about Harry, which lasted unt

he gentlemen promising to ride back to the village and make inquiries into the matter, to prevent its recurrence, she was obliged to promise to return to the Grange, upon Roger being s

ed in the village, and they could make short expeditions into the surrounding country in search of recruits, and thus business could be combined with pleasure on the part of the Captain, while it would afford the Royalist leaders a proof t

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