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Hayslope Grange / A Tale of the Civil War

Hayslope Grange / A Tale of the Civil War



Word Count: 2128    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

yslope, now so full of the promise of early fruitfulness, would have wondered what could make the farm-labourers appear so

e presided over by the King meeting at Oxford, while that in London was engaged upon the trial of Archbishop Laud, and levying war ag

they raised their hats and cheered; but this greeting, pleasant as it was, scarcely brought a smile to his lips as he rode on up to the principal house in the place-Hayslope Grange. This was a large, rambling, roomy building, half farm-house, half mansion, standing in the midst of an old-fashioned garden, sur

tered round his head, and spurred his horse on at a quicker pace. He was a fine, tall, handsome young man, about twenty-two, with a thoughtful brow that would have made him look almost stern, but for the genial smile that play

th screams of delight, and his elder sister, Mary, forgot all her stateliness in the warmth of her welcome. On

when he reached the spot where she was standing. He had sprung fro

down as Harry stopped before her. "

glad as my sisters

r," said Maud, hardl

you have lived with us all your life, and if your name does happen to be Maud Harcour

, and feeling greatly relieved by B

ed rather disa

to you, Maud," he said, as he placed hims

d, quickly, in

o see me this time. You did not come to m

no opportunity to do so, for Bertram, thinking he had been

Prince Rupert,

t the question. "Don't ask about

ome to fight the King's battles against the wicked Par

ember, he has not seen father yet. Let us make haste indoors

r's hand, resolving to keep close to him. Prince Rupert's name, however, was not mentioned, and indeed Harry seemed strangely reserved in speaking of public affa

of the table, with the Bible open before him, and the maid-servants and serving-men at the oth

ever, the man's whole soul was poured out before God in impassioned pleading for his royal master, while his hatred of the Parliament and those who were leading the rebellion could onl

essie, who had had some difficu

e thought-at least every true Englishman. No one saw anything of Harry after he left the room that night, and Maud did not see him until the following afternoon. She thought he

have offended you," she sai

ll I do?" he said, impulsively, turn

an himself, but she could not h

aid. "Prithee, tell me all

ay her fears. "I have been wishing to be a chic

aid Maud, trying to smile, but looking

rry in astonishment. "By my troth, I d

sir? since you would na

ntering tone, Harry sighed deeply, and, sti

ually wishing to be a chicken, or anything bu

e wherefore you wish

ts since she first came, a little d

t life is such a puzzle-such a tangle-m

ave one of the wrong

ginning to feel sure o

e," said Maud, quickly, without in t

I cannot," he

truthful and just-true to yourself. Harry,

and she thought he longed to serve his King by taking up arms and joining actively in the fray. Her spirit stirred and swel

will be brave and true, and tell your

wildered. "By my troth, Maud, this is mor

true to yourself and your own conscienc

st Maud," said Harry; "but I did not think-I

hat, whatever th

at as I thought it half an hour since.

re+ to oppose your wish

e perplexity. "Can you ask

was in her turn interrupted by Bessie rushing up to them with the announce

out," he said in a lower tone, to Maud; and finding Bessie was inclined to

out Prince Rupert?" asked Bess

her thoughts were busy about Harry, and she wondered why he could b

she said,-"Has Harry told you anythi

ou know, Bessie, that I think we have heard all Harry can te

g that he was a fierce, cruel man, one of the greatest robbers that ever lived; and that

er, feeling so keenly as he did for everybody's distress. At all events, Harry was right, and Prince Rupert was right too, she had no doubt, if things could only be explained; and in this way she contrived to silence Bessie, if she did not convince her; and the li

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