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Heathen Slaves and Christian Rulers

Heathen Slaves and Christian Rulers


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1826    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

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ther form of faith, but has yielded at least an outward allegiance to these forms, we declare to be a man of one or the other faith. Moreover, we judge of his religion by the fruits of it in his moral character. Just so, every European or American who has not openly disavowed the Christian religion for some other faith is called a "Christian." Furthermore, such men, when they mi

laborated a system, first of all of brothel slavery; and domestic slavery has sheltered itself under its wing, as it were; and lastly, at Singapore coolie labor is managed by the same set of officials. What these officials have done has been accepted by the Oriental people about them as done by the Christian civilization. It cannot be said that the evils mentioned above have been the outgrowth

it is claimed, passion mounts higher than in the Occident, and that morality is, to a certain extent, a matter of climate; and in the presence of large numbers of unmarried soldiers and sailors it is simply "impracticable" to attempt

r the state of matters. A higher moral public opinion could have been created which would have made the existence of actual slavery an impossibility, with the amount of legislation that existed with which to put it down. There were a guilty silence and a guilty ignorance on the part of the better elements of Christian society at Singapore and Hong Kong,

them other women who do not personally worship God share in the benefits. If free, independent women of God were as scarce in America as in Hong Kong the same moral conditions would prevail here, without regard to climate, for, if women could be bought and sold and reduced by force to prostitution, there are libertines enough, and they have propensities strong enough to enter at once upon the business, even in America. That which has elevated women above this slave condition is the development of a self-respect an

men like Sir John Pope Hennessy and Sir John Smale in their efforts to exterminate slavery, rather, by

that British Christian philanthropists have made, under the leadership of the now sainted Mrs. Josephine Butler, in their world-wide influence for purity, needs no eulogy from

nd of which we have made a close study, as well as from our own observations of the conditions themselves as they exist at Hong Kong and Singapore. But almost at once we abandoned that attempt as unwise because likely to prove injurious rather than helpful to the object we have in view. The facts that we have to relate form one of the blackest chapters in the history of human slavery, and slavery brought up to the

m, more suitable for the general public to read,-not that the case could be stated in purer or cleaner language than that used in the quotations from official statements and letters, but

rs and opportunity,-some one who will feel the call of God; who has the training and the ability; some one who has the spirit of devotion and self-denial; some one of keen moral perceptions and lofty faith in the ul

have quoted so extensively i

the Contagious Diseases Ordinances of the

ncy, John Pope Hennessy … to inquire Into the Working of the

eged Existence of Chinese Slavery

itish Colonies and De

Any System Involving th

ts, 1866 and 1869, is

ther Regulations." J

to the Repeal of Contagious Diseases Ordinances and Reg

continuation, Ma

continuation, Ju

t comprised in the Paper presented to the House of Comm

tion of Contagious Diseases Regulations in Perak or O






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