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Whispers of the Dragon Prince

Whispers of the Dragon Prince

Author: musaada141

Chapter 1 A Kingdom's Call

Word Count: 996    |    Released on: 13/11/2024

ow reflecting her inner agony. The ancient trees of Wolf's Crest's expansive woodlands swayed like silent sentinels

onarch. That is n

of her people, the Ravenwood werewolf clan. A lineage whispered in legends and fe

s of magic, heal with a touch, and manipulate lunar energy. She had been the target of unwelcome

reaking the silence. From the other side of the oak

n a princess, she smoothed down her plain forest-green tunic and leggings. Finery is no

ong, dancing shadows were cast across the features of the gathered court as the torches flickered. King Theron, Elara's father, sat

rew closer to the throne. "The Moon Weaver..." "What does th

rs. With the weight of the empire bearing down on his

my daughter," "I have received grave n

pital of the Dragon Shifters, a race as old and strong as the werewolve

n, is dead," in a sorrowful tone. "H

him, stories of his might, cruelty, and ability to control wind and fire. She felt an odd shiver at the m

ty," as he looked directly into Elara's eyes. "Prince Kael has aske

omach. bolster the partnership

d, his face serious. "F

face, Theron nodded. "He has req

ness. Getting married? To the Prince of the Dragon? The concept was ridiculous. Nevertheless, a peculiar e

unable to.

Aric, Liam's best buddy, who rejected her during their first shift. Sh had accepted her freedo

she responded, "Father," in

a. It is an esse trial. For us to survive, our partnership

y," as her eyes strayed to Liam, who av

ara, you are the Moon Weaver. Your strength and heritage unite

that set her apart, her power, was now being expl

" in an almost audible

ra, yo have till the following full moo

o was choose whether to give up her independence for the benefit of her realm an

understand that peace wasn't the goal of this union or marriage. It had to o with powe

eauty, and merciless ambition, it was Lady Selene Graystone. A chilly smile curved her lips. "So," she said as smooth as silk acr

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