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Whispers of the Dragon Prince

Chapter 5 Secrets of the Moon Weaver

Word Count: 885    |    Released on: 13/11/2024

Like a frightening premonition, the scene clung to her thoughts, so real and terrifying.

lunar energy manipulation as her primary abilities. She was powerless over dr

er, threatening to break her spirit. She had to

g-a lullaby of the Moon Weaver's hidden power-that lay do

unleashed in its might when the moon bleeds

dows. A hidden power. Is it possible? Could she have something mor

e in the old forest. She needed time alone to connect with the moon's energy, explo

starry paths leading her farther into its embrace. When she arrived in a remote clearing illumina

ulous voice, "direct me. Point the way

ar warmth of lunar energy coursing through her, but it was different, stronger, and more powerful

and glimmers of strength she had never dared to dream of. She beheld herself in the mo

and sweet. "You are the one with the pow

llaby, and the visions were all guiding her to a truth she had long denied. She wasn'

words echoed with renewed assurance as she held her palms up to the moon. "The M

ell unlike any she had ever tried. She put all her love, fear, and hope into the spell, im

r Liam and the castle. Exhausted yet exhilarated, she fell on the woodl

line wore off. Was it sufficient? Was she able

back to the castle out of a frantic need to know. Her eyes looked wil

Liam's bedside and looked into his face. His colour was returning, his breathing was be

ong it nearly knocked her down.

d a faint, silvery sheen, a faint shimmer that beat in time with his heartbeat. It seeme

consider the ramifications of this peculiar occurrence. A bunch of gu

shaking, "My Lady," "The Drago

gotten the better of him? Or has something much darker happened? A feeling of fear swept thr

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