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The Cursed Bloodline

Chapter 6 Revelations in the Dark

Word Count: 1369    |    Released on: 15/11/2024

dland, while Elias and I stood motionless. Every instinct told me to go, but something deeper kept me st

ve the low, rumbling growls coming from the t

een the two wolves as they drew closer. "We mus

s pulled me back, shoving me behind him as he fumbled with something at his belt. I heard

er golden eyes locked on mine. There was a flicker there, something faint but familiar, like

that she may still hear me. Her lips curled back to display sharp, shining

out a menacing growl, and my mother's focus snapped

ia," Elias said, his voice tight w

sted, desperation rising in my thr

rm, and he pulled me away, obstructing my view. The wolves stiff

the wolf, whined softly as we proceeded. It sounded nearly human for a heartbeat, with a de

its breath, the fo

ammered, staring into the dar

tted in perplexity. "I'm not sure. They ought to

as replaced with hope. "Perhaps a piece of them rem

re not compl

your hopes up. The curse doesn't let go easily. If they show rest

f dread. What if the curse wasn't finished with me yet? What if it was taking its

e previous. If my parents could be saved, perhaps I was not bound to this fate. Maybe there was a

r face pale and drawn. She looked from me to Elia

n the air. "They... they didn't attack us," I managed. "It was like they recog

ighten. "The curse is powerful, Mia. It's not something you can wish away.

"There must be something we can do to sav

, the lineage, and everything. Breaking it would mean altering the fundamental essence of who you are. Her words descended

yes filled with a grim reso

nd... something about a ritual that could sever the bloodline's connection

of sacrifice?" He turned his head away, his quiet speaking more than words. It wouldn

a sudden, piercing knock on the house. We

ing toward the door. "Who wou

f terror pricked my skin as I held my breath. The door squeaked open, and

ed in a silky, eerily serene voice. "I thin

nd perceptive, glinting like ice flakes. Something in his eyes seemed to loo

ensed, his face tightening.

thing proceeds as planned." His gaze shifted to me, his eyes gleaming w

hands together, her voice barely abo

ear. "You should know better by now. The curs

wasn't entirely... human. As he approached, I

d, my voice trembling d

head, his sm

them, and I felt a chill take hold of my heart. "Think o

nd inching toward the knife a

pine. "Oh, I have no aim to harm her. Quite the reve

ated, the word he

choice, Mia. Embrace the curse, accept your place w

emember this-your resistance is only delaying the inevitable.The

ws, I felt a profound, sinkin

he curse extended beyond my family. It was

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