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Word Count: 1207    |    Released on: 20/11/2024


ck now to me, but the heavy quiet between us said volumes. I could feel the wall he was creating between us, greater than before, and it hurt mor

re the rules, not exceptions. But I didn't. Something in his attitude warned me that pushing his father would only drive him awa

e voice, he replied, "I didn't bring you here to get involved in my problems."

and them exactly, I moved closer to him. "What's that?" I

ever think you can control me," he cried, his voice as shrill as a sword. Those words caused me

choking. Still, something inside me moved-a gay mix of terror and rebellion.

s marriage," he murmured, as though he could read my thinking.

ed me. Really, could this be all that

ld exchange of power without

quired before I could stop myself; the

tween frustration

Rather, he stood there silently, his chest rising and falling with every inhalation. Just

he said finally,

Though I couldn't look away, I wasn't sure whether I was ready to meet it. I wanted to know whatever

t again. My breath hung in my throat. Alan's head swung

ore the storm. In his tone, there was no room for dispute; I would n

re, there was tension in the air, and I felt as though something

nknown, his icy look told me all I needed to know. He was here maybe d

was this? From Alan, what did he seek? And why did I feel as though I

d put the circumstances together. Though the man in the su

ow and sad, "You're not sa

d between us, wei

s not only a convenient marriage. T

gaged in. And should I fail to know how to manage it-

tention turned quickly to me. He exhorted

if you wish to sur

he bone, it was his promise in e

bout the path I

was not leaving this space without responses

seemed to stop. Now there was nowhere t

as Alan's words played back in my head

ve from this, you wi

ground down on me. The truth of my misery

And the worst aspect is also

my spine, a warning I was not sure I could handle. As the gap between us dropped, his dark, unfathomable gaze ne

at I do." Though I was afraid of what they may set off, the words presented a challeng

ep. "I think you'll find that I do," he whispered gently, h

Though deep down a part of me felt pulled to him in a manner I couldn't describe, I was trying

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