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Mappo, the Merry Monkey / His Many Adventures


Word Count: 1286    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

to get the cocoanut he had lost, stopped short whe

now. He has gone, or else I shouldn't have let you try to o

And, when he reached it, he saw som

all broken to pieces. I can pick out the

hurried down so fast that h

cked open," said M

but he talked, in his monkey talk, just as you childr

e cocoanut for you," said Bump

rs. Monkey. "You may all go down and

ttle monkeys, Mappo was the

stone, and smashed open. That's

. Mappo dropped his by accident, but it can also be dropped, or thrown, on purpose. So, when you get a cocoanut, the first thing to do is to get a sharp stick,

a nice thing to

ster Chaa. "I wish we had

nd I'll give you each

hers and sisters. Mappo carried in his paws the pieces of white cocoan

that taste go

begged Chaa, holding ou

t it all,"

Give your brothers and sisters some, Mappo, and wh

ey went into the tree-house and came out with four other cocoanuts. She gave one each to the other monke

n a flat stone under the tree, cracking the

appo, as he chewed some of the piec

ting away, there sounded a rustling in the tre

t!" crie


nd, chattering voice, and Mr. Monkey, with a bunch of banan

he tiger?" ask

g out about him, so I was careful," said

him in time," s

n open a cocoan

w what he could do that he slipped, and bumped his head against Mappo,

ightly wound around the branch, so he did not fall

ied Mappo to Bumpo, after having s

to," said Bumpo. "I just wanted to

s slung over his back, came scramb

oanuts! We've had ou

some bananas I have brought you." He passed around the yellow fruit from the bunch he h

er ones play tricks once in a while. Monkeys are very mischievous and fond of playing

po was going down, right away, to the ground and

his long, hairy arms. "I must first look t

s scrambled down and took long drinks. Th

d sisters practiced their new lesson of opening cocoanut

into the woods, looking for different things to e

him. "If you get too far away fr

o would c

oanuts and eaten out the white meat, Mappo tho

ere some empty cocoanut shells. One was almo

it had not been opened. Then I'll give it to Jacko or Bumpo. They'll think it's a good

ger. He was down on the ground, putting the piece of shell back in the hole in the empty cocoanut, to play a trick on one of his brothers,

, and he was so frighten

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